For many of us with Lyme disease, it’s so difficult for others to understand. One minute we are doing everything that seems “normal” and the next we are in crash mode. Our bodies just don’t operate with any consistency. As I watched Under Our Skin again last week, I was reminded of how so many of us outwardly look “normal” to others, yet inside we are writhing in pain, exhaustion, and discomfort. What is seen on the outside is quite different than what is going on inside. While the outside looks content and at peace, on the inside there is a battle. A battle of immunity vs. borreliosis. A battle that isn’t won by either, as long as there is treatment, yet a battle that drags on without end in sight, so it would seem. One side trying to overtake the other.
I remember watching the attached when I was early diagnosed and I wept. I wept thinking there was not an end in sight for me either and that I would be just as bad as Krista. Fortunately, at the end of the story, I found hope and was encouraged to look toward healing with a positive attitude. It reminded me that what I was experiencing was nothing in comparison. I looked at her age and thanked God that I had achieved 20+ years longer than she before crashing. Her story is quite extreme, with some additional co-infections that riddled her body for several years prior to them finding out the cause. It’s difficult to watch, yet it’s so real. Her story is similar to Julie’s, in my last post, in that their co-infections and symptoms mimic one another. If, you have the heart to watch, please do so with tissue and with the reminder that there is healing.
Lyme is nothing to mess around with, yet it is not something to be terrified of. With the rates rising of Lyme disease, everyone should be aware of what kind of symptoms can be observed from just a tiny little tick. The bacteria that can make a body deteriorate quickly may be small, yet they are definitely a large scale concern. I encourage everyone to please understand Lyme, it’s affects on the body, learn how to recognize the symptoms early. Before thousands of dollars are spent on trying to come up with a diagnosis.
Please remember also, when someone is diagnosed with Lyme, we don’t want to be defined by it, yet we want people to understand that every day is a balancing act. Every day is a new day. We cling to hope, even though we get frustrated, and we pray knowing that only God will get us through. With my own experience with Lyme, I have said that I hope I can help someone else someday. I hope that my own journey will be an example to someone else in a positive sense and that none of what I have experienced will be wasted. Just as Krista has endured and shared, she also has educated which is what I am trying to do as well with this blog. Thanks for taking the time to read and to watch.