Aw-inspiring Nature

My peonies above that sit on the side of our home. They are so beautiful. This weekend is the peony festival in our state so I just had to post this picture.

I am always blown away by the sight the Lord has blessed me with. The sight to see what is around me, the beauty of all of His wonderful creations. The birds chirping all day long during the summer months bringing beautiful music to the ears, the florals that keep color around us, as well as the beautiful smells from their scented aromas that collide with one another. Nature is incredible.

I am once again in my joyful happy place sitting under my gazebo in the mornings and many evenings. Praising God for the blessings that He has bestowed upon us. So many thoughts on life are pondered here, so many prayers are lifted here, so many plans of the future are made here. The world changes around me, relationships that once seemed safe and are no longer, prayed over plans fall apart, people are not who they claim to be, and yet there is a constant that I am reminded of when I sit outside under the morning sun and evening stars….. God is in complete control, He will not disappoint, He will be with me forever. He will dry my tears from sorrows, He will heal my broken heart, He will whisper truths to counteract humanities earthly criticisms, He will comfort the losses I feel, He will provide wisdom and knowledge when I am perilized with fear, He will lead me when I am wandering and He will guide me through the messy mire of the world. Nothing else in this world is needed than to praise, glorify and be thankful for a God who literally has the whole world in His hands.

If you are desperate for relief from worldly woes and are wandering in hopelessness, I encourage you to find a happy place to pick up the Word of God, pray, study and trust in Him alone. Do not worry about the details, let the Lord take over and show you the way. Have hope in that which you cannot see yet what you believe in. While you do so, embrace that which the Lord has already blessed you with. Be the one who sets examples of grace, forgiveness and hope for others to see.

My world….. As I am sitting here typing, I have to stop when the three youthful chipmunks living in our home foundation decide to test out my gazebo floor… imagine: sipping cold coffee, scream, type scream, sip scream, type scream…. it’s an endless routine of them scaring me and me scaring them. Haha. I honestly love it even if they freak me out! :).

God bless you friends, until we meet again…..

2 thoughts on “Aw-inspiring Nature”

  1. Oh, Sherry, this is a wonderful post! I love it, just as I did your last one! Thank you, sweet friend, for those precious reminders of the Lord’s goodness and readiness to hear our cries, personified in the beauties of His creation!

    With my love,


    1. Thank you Joie. You are so kind and I am glad that you enjoy reading my posts. Now to be more regular about posting. Hahah

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