Profoundly Appropriate

There is no question I am profoundly blessed. I do not take my life, circumstances, heartaches, pain, joy, blessings, relationships, daily living for granted. I have suffered great loss in my life….. from abandonment, critical spirits that try to take away my joyfulness in Christ, sufferings in mind body and spirit, bodily injuries and illness, separation in life long relationships, and so much more…. Yet…. In Christ I stand! Even, when I am unable to physically stand, I stand before a Holy God knowing that I trust in Him to give me strength to overcome, persevere, experience Joy, trust and faith.

I have always desired, even before accepting Christ and understanding what that meant, to be kind, forgiving, joyful, thankful and loving. At the same time, I have also been insecure within myself. Looking back I am wondering if my lack of confidence has stemmed from that insecurity. I have often looked back and wondered if before Christ my bewildering and empty heart was seeking security in others and things out of fear. Fear of others and their acceptance of me. Was I trying to fill that unexplained hole in my heart with worldly obligations and expectations? Doing, loving, and pursuing from a worldly perspective rather than out of a Godly perspective? Were my desires to be the person who was kind, forgiving, joyful, thankful and loving, simply put, an obligation of others for acceptance? Hmmm….

If I am being honest with myself I have to admit, yes. My longing to be accepted within all of my relationships before knowing Christ, stemmed out of a fear of mankind. I desired acceptance, love, forgiveness and joy to come from others. If I just did enough then they would accept me. Not saying that even in Christ my head hasn’t at times considered that same thought process, yet I do have to say that I have found more joy out of the most atrocious situations be it relationships, or health issues since I became a Christian. I have more often than not, clearly accepted that the hole in my heart and longing for acceptance will not, and never has been healed or filled by what I can obligingly do for others. My disappointments in others inability to accept and love me as well as Christ causes great sorrow and pain. Yet, through prayer and trust in Him I am consoled.

This morning I had the pleasure of once again joining my husband at his Faith and Fellowship breakfast breakout session at his company’s yearly Summer Development Conference. At that breakfast the theme was all about loving others. Do we love others out of obligation to do the right thing or do we love others based on the natural overflowing of love from our Lord Jesus Christ who loves us? Do we have a natural outflowing of His love which is then transferred unconditionally to others through our actions, words and behavior? What is the condition of our hearts? Are others changed by our natural love which is expressed because we are victorious in living for and serving Christ? How many of us can answer that question honestly?

We have a beloved rescue dog whom we purchased from a shelter at 6 weeks of age. Abandoned by her mother and cared for by humans, and adopted and loved by us. She is a Pyrenees mix which is known for herding and guarding. She does this well. She is well behaved unless she feels threatened or unless she is feeling the obligatory guarding she feels we need. Do we love her out of obligation? Even though at times she is a bit of a handful? No, we love her unconditionally and because our hearts are filled with love that we enjoy sharing with her. Isn’t that just like what it’s like with other people sometimes? A friend or family member who is difficult to love, when our hearts are filled and overflowing with the love of Christ, we take every opportunity to love them no matter what right? So why are so many people, friends and/or family members so willing to push away that kind of love? Why do they put an arms length between themselves and unconditional love by another? Why do they proclaim victory for themselves in pushing away pure agape love? Why does our rescue dog push back when we try to do what is best for her and love her point blank without expectations?

Appropriately and ironically this morning at this breakfast one of the speakers clearly pointed out it’s out of fear. Fear of abandonment themselves; fear of losing their identity in who they want to be; fear of disappointments; fear fear fear! Their hearts are not filled with the same overflowing love of Christ that can remove their fear. After all, how many people understand that in the Bible, God’s Word, there are 365 verses that are considered fear not verses. One for each day. One for each day that fear creeps into the mind of a believer. How many of us can say confidently that we are children of God, saved by Grace, redeemed and victorious through Jesus Christ? Notice the seventh word in that last sentence…. Confidently. Fear many times, takes over and overrides confidence. Fear of unknowns, fear of abandonment, fear of loneliness, fear of everything this world can throw upon the shoulders of even the most proclaimed Christian. Many people declare Christ, yet many do not truly believe Christ is stronger than their own will and fear. When we do not release our will and our fears completely to Him, His love cannot permeate and naturally overflow through us to others.

If we have a natural walk with God, others are changed by our expressed love for them. This is how we serve our redeemer. Sharing love naturally. Not always an easy task, and after my most recent 10 months of counseling (and many more before this….) I better understand that there are a great number of people that will allow their humanity and fear to overtake their hearts so that they are blinded by our natural overflowing, unconditional love for them. Humanity set’s regulations, conditions, rules and standards of how and when they will accept love, or show love. I have seen this in family, friends, social circles and even within God’s people. Unity in Christ has to be mutual for those who seek to serve Him. Unity in understanding that agape love is complete in itself. It’s pure, natural, unconditional, and without earthly regulations, conditions, rules and standards.

John 13:34. (ESV). A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.

So how is love expressed, experienced, given and understood when you are in Christ? Let’s take a look:

Galatians 5:22 – 26 (ESV). But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. And those who belong in Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.

There are so many verses on love and loving others. Friends, please lay your woes, concerns, natural envy of earthly desires at the feet of Christ and set before Him all fears. Be subject to the unwavering love of Christ by trusting in the leading of the Holy Spirit and allow the overflowing of Christs love permeate through you so that you can love just as Christ loves. Serve Christ by serving your brethren with their observance of your unconditional love for them and unwavering faith. Be aware of your own heart before criticizing or judging anyone else’s. Allow for the sanctification and growth in understanding the truth of what it means to be in Christ.

Oh how we need more and more companies to step up and allow Christ to be known and seen within their walls and within their employees. Unity and Love in Christ and Christ alone. Praise be to the Lord God for His leading of my heart to share what I am feeling this day. My heart is overflowing for all of you…..