All posts by A Labour of Love

My name is Sherry and I am a stay at home mom of two, wife to my husband of 20 years, daughter, granddaughter, sister and aunt. My delight in this life on earth is serving a God who knows my weaknesses and guides me through each day. Diagnosed with Lyme disease in 2013 after a lifetime of ailments and illnesses, I am determined to share my journey, share my faith, and share in the blessings that gave me my life back on track. I am determined and strive to be the Proverbs 31:10-31 woman. My goal is to beat this disease so that I will be the Titus woman to my daughter and those who need me in the future. I hope that you find this blog to be a blessing to you. Thanks for stopping by.

Why a Blog?

Why start a Blog? During uncertain times it seems there is so much to say.

It’s canning season and I find myself wondering why more women do not spend time canning God’s wonderfully grown vegetables and fruits so they may warm the bellies of their families during those cold winter months. The answer is always clear, there isn’t time. Running from work, to school, to after school activities, meetings, exercise classes, sports games and all the extras society wants us to believe are important. What ever happened to sitting down with family to discuss the day’s trials, watching a good movie or better yet reading a book, picking the fruits of the earth, or teaching a child what it means to be a child. I pray for all women around the world today, that they find a connection with the Lord and that they find the time to hear the birds chirping in their yards, make a chocolate cake for their family, and smell the flowers that their children pick.

Why do I think of such things? Likely because I find myself with much time to do so. As my very active lifestyle has come to a bit of a halt and I must slow down. You see, I was recently diagnosed with Lymes disease. The fatigue is horrible , yet the pain in my joints and muscles is an even greater distraction as it wakes me up even during the night. I feel as though I am dragging my foot even though it plants itself on the ground every time I place it there. As my family and friends are supportive and loving, I still find myself resting while they go on with life and activities I am unable to expend the energy to participate in. I am determined that this will be short term, I take precautions and am following a strict healing protocol. The time resting has helped me delve into books again, catch up on my quilting and try to can the veggies that I worked all summer to grow. This of course is taking 4 days during a week vs. the one it usually takes. One could also add in that I’ve been spending quite a bit of time thinking and praying.

That is why I am blogging. I feel like I finally have the time to share with others things I’ve learned in the last 40+ years of being a daughter, 20 years of marriage, 18 years of motherhood, 6 years of homeschooling and a life long career in observing God’s creations.  Perhaps too, I feel it is also healing to write about my thoughts pondered and share with others who possibly have something to say and need an inspiration.