Tag Archives: advocacy



Advocacy:  a)  public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy.  b) one who pleads the cause of another c) one who defends or maintains a cause or proposal

Are you an advocate for a cause, a someone, a group or an agenda?  Is anyone your advocate?  Have you ever considered what it means to be an advocate?

In our world today, I think that too many people look at advocacy as a chore.  An act of self sacrifice for someone else, whilst attesting to that act as a duty that only they can take care of.  I am not so certain it’s always genuine and I am beginning to think that more and more people are using the word advocacy as a way to exercise their thoughts in promoting themselves rather than the cause of which they are exerting their energies.  Why are we advocates?  Is our heart in the right order?  Are we advocating for something or someone so that we may be elevated?   Are we trying to prove something to someone or to ourselves?

I admit that sometimes I consider my voice as a tool to say or give an opinion because I think I am “helping” someone, only to realize that perhaps I was actually only elevating my own self worth.  Hmmm….something to consider isn’t it?  Have you done that?  Do you think off the cuff you are helping someone yet in reality when you look back you were only voicing an opinion to make sure you were heard.  Making sure you are heard is very different than making sure you are an advocate for a cause, policy or for someone.

I consider Christ and all that He succumbed to in His short life on this earth.  All that he said and did was not for his own good, not to uplift himself nor to validate who he was.   It was for a cause, a cause of salvation for those whom he met and for those going forth who would be followers of the one true God.   This salvation would bring about the praises and Glory of his Father to whom all life has  been blessed.  His life was the vessel used to bring about a change in attitude.  A change that would bring salvation to those whom needed to hear the Word and for those of us who read the Word.   That we may glorify the Lord and worship Him will all our hearts.  Our cause and advocacy of the scriptures is not to elevate who we are, but elevate the One and only who gave so much to allow us to do so.   Remembering that is sometimes difficult.   That is why we need the truth of the gospel to lead us.  Truth in our worship, truth in our study and truth in our intentions.  How do we get there?  Prayer, study, hearing gospel truth and understanding that we are a small part of the picture.  Our voice doesn’t always need to be used to bring about advocacy, our actions do.

You are likely saying to yourself, what?  She went from talking about elevating ourselves by using our voice and now she is talking about action.   Well, let me explain.  I think that actions shout a lot louder than the words that come out of the mouth.   Our actions show our true selves and what we are promoting.  If you look back on your actions, were you promoting a cause for something or someone, or were you promoting yourself?

I am going to leave you with those thoughts….Advocacy can be good, if used appropriately and can be viewed by others very differently if spoken.  Therefore, consider the actions that you take and what others will see out of those actions.   Promotions of self or promotion of cause?