I cannot believe it has been almost a year since my last post. I also cannot believe that I had the incredible blessing last year of sharing with others endurance through suffering. That my last post would be so important to me in my own life at this time. God’s merciful grace, through preparing His beloved, is so awe-inspiring that no words can describe. Only tears of joy can show how truly grateful I am for that study last year.
As I work through loss in my life, I find myself clinging to the Lord Jesus and His Word ever so much more. I am reminded that suffering is expected, suffering will come, and suffering can be overcome if we remember the only one we can count on for clarity, comfort, peace, wisdom and resolution is the Lord God Almighty. If we are faithful to taking all of our concerns to Him, we will not be disappointed.
All of us live in a fallen world of brokenness, of which we are not immune from. We wrestle with the loneliness that comes from relationship loss, abandonment, and physical bodily death. We wrestle with the wrongs that come against us in times when we think we are doing good, we wrestle with accusations made against us that are unwarranted and we wrestle with crushing name calling by others. We do not have to wrestle with however, the knowledge that we are loved unconditionally by a creator who has chosen us out of this broken world to do good works in serving Him to the best of our ability. Born into sin and saved by grace to a life filled with hope. Sharing that hope in all that we do with joy, kindness, love, patience and prayer. So that others will see in us the light of majesty in our Lord.
Satan is working overtime right now against God’s beloved and we have to pray for our brothers and sisters asking for God’s providential care to prepare the way for sight in seeing truth, to heal broken hearts, to sweeten taste of bitterness and to protect those who are yet to be called to Him. We need to be praying for the sins of those who know better, pray for those that hold judgmental thoughts against others, and for all of those who cannot control the temptation to demean others for their own self preservation.
There are so many things we fear in this broken world, and yet we do not need to fear if we have the Lord Jesus as our savior. Our sacrifices in this life are nothing compared to the sacrifices He has made for us. No matter what we do on this earth for the good of others is not even close to what He has done for others. We need to uphold the standards that He set with humility, love, compassion, forgiveness, and understanding. Doing what is right in the sight of God for those who need to be encouraged. That includes ourselves. If we take on the burdens that others try to heap upon our feeble bodies, we are not serving God. We serve ourselves. God is the only one who can change hearts. God is the only one who can lighten the load of heavy burdens. God is the only one who can move mountains that stubbornly hold their ground. God is the only one who can transform evil into good. God is the only one who can save out of death and can give life. God is the only one who can remind us that we are starving for spiritual truth more than we are starving for food. We need to have the humility to admit that we are not strong enough to do it ourselves. We need to call upon the Holy Spirit to give us clarity and wisdom to know best how to serve in humility in all that comes before us. That we would not stand proud over our accomplishments, yet that we would give Him glory for the blessings He has provided. Oh how this broken world tries to control that which is not controllable.
We have to rely on a Holy God who can take away the pain for us, who can give us strength in the most impossible situations and who can comfort us in our mourning. God be with you friends as you endure another hour, day, month and year. Till I write again….. goodnight.
Of this you have heard before in the word of the truth, the gospel, 6 which has come to you, as indeed in the whole world it is bearing fruit and increasing—as it also does among you, since the day you heard it and understood the grace of God in truth, 7 just as you learned it from Epaphras our beloved fellow servant.[b] He is a faithful minister of Christ on your[c] behalf 8 and has made known to us your love in the Spirit.
Dear friends, what do you see when you read this? Do you consider some of the key words and thoughts that go along with this passage? What does it mean when he writes “word of truth”, or “bearing fruit” or even “Grace of God”? Why should we consider these things and what does it all mean for us? These my friends are today’s considerations.
Have you ever attended a group setting whether it be in church or elsewhere, when someone hears another say “they are blessed” and eye balls roll? Or pride in self is made known through name calling? I know I have. In fact, I have even witnessed one of the members of a group I was with, yell at a woman on the street when she tried to hand him a tract, and he then called her a “stupid bible freak”. Ouch! Even though he knew my faith was very important to me, he still decided that this woman deserved to be called names, in front of me. He did not get it. Even though I know he came from a family that attended church. He did not understand what means to Love the Lord.
Matthew 22:37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
Many do not understand the full extent of what Jesus Christ has done through the will of a loving Father. They may hear the words in church and listen to sermons, yet they themselves do not actually believe or understand what “truth” actually is. They seek, they search, they read, they study, yet God has not opened their hearts to receive. For some, the truth of the word has been kept out of their reach. Kept from them, in silence. They are not yet ready to understand. We don’t always understand why this is, meaning, we know it’s God’s will yet we don’t always understand why our words are going on deaf ears. Often times we go above and beyond trying to pursue their salvation for them with information overload. Did you catch my italicizing we and their? We like to think that it’s up to us. Oh, we know better, yet we continue to hold on to that part of our human side called pride. We are the ones that will save another soul. We have it all together and we now what they need. Hmmm…. ever been there?
On the flip side, sometimes we shut down completely and walk away, ignoring the need. Does knowing they don’t get it mean that our conversations should stop? Does this mean that we keep what we know to ourselves? No! Absolutely not! The gift of understanding and salvation is a gift given by the Holy Spirit, and is nothing that we can will upon a person. That being said, we can and oftentimes are used as vessels to witness to others our joy in faithfulness to God. We are often dropping seeds that may or may not be nurtured at that time. They may fall upon hard soil, or they may germinate. Sometimes the germination may take time to produce worthy fruit, yet God knows the timing He will take to make it happen. It may or may not be their time to hear with an open heart, yet it is our job to continue to glorify God with His truth. This my friends is what Paul means above when he says “bearing fruit and increasing”.
Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
Haven’t we been going through love, faith and hope the last few weeks? Don’t we understand that those things are not meant to be kept to ourselves? We love others. We have joy in our lives and are thankful to to God for Jesus and the sacrifice He made for our salvation, covering our sins with His blood. We are thankful to Jesus for the gift of the Holy Spirit, which helps us to experience patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and gentleness. We have self control through prayer and thankfulness to a righteous God which we bow before and think more highly of than ourselves. The blessing of knowing truth of the gospel, the whole word of God as well as the good news of Jesus Christ is the tool that will bring more followers into the Kingdom of God. Bearing and sharing the fruit of the Spirit with those who do not know the gospel truth. Even if it is not their time to know the whole truth.
I appreciated and pondered what Matthew Henry said in his commentary on this passage: “Wherever the gospel comes, it will bring forth fruit to the honor and glory of God: it bringeth forth fruit as it doth also in you. We mistake, if we think to monopolize the comforts and benefits of the gospel to ourselves. Does the gospel bring forth fruit in us? So it does in others.
Just as Paul writes to the Colossians, thanking God for them, he is encouraging them to go forth in their helping to increase the kingdom of God. He lets them know that they are in good hands with the instruction they are getting through Epaphras. That God is laying blessings upon them for their love to Him. Paul is comforting them with reassurance. Is that why you follow me friends? Do you find comfort in the truths shared here? Do you feel reassured as a servant for the Lord? I sure hope so.
I want to close in saying that the gent above who called the lady names that tried to hand him a track, has since, several years later married a wonderful, God loving, God fearing woman who loves the Lord and they both serve with great joy. God has used someone else to bring him into the fold. I am sure the seeds of both my faithful living to a holy God and the work of that young gal that day helped that young man see love and joy in the work to glorify God. It just wasn’t his time to understand. Do not take any opportunity for granted. Continue on in your sharing, understanding that it is God’s will. It is God’s will whether or not the seeds dropped will germinate on good soil or rocky, sandy soil. It is by the grace of God we have the gospel truth to lead and by His mercy we are given salvation rather than death.
At the end of Spurgeons sermon called The Hope Laid Up In Heaven Col. 1:5, he wrote addressing the thankfulness of a servant who bears good fruit for the kingdom of God:
“Giving thanks unto the Father, which has made us meet to partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light.” I have been following the evident track of the apostle’s thoughts. The Lord gives us a hope of glory, and then He gives us a meetness for it, and that meetness is largely wrought in us by the Holy Spirit through the instrumentality of our hope. Cultivate, then, your hope, dear breathren. Make it to shine so plainly in you that your minister may hear of your hopefulness and joy; of heaven, and act as though you really expected to go there. Make the world know that you have a hope of heaven: make worldlings feel that you are a believer in eternal glory, and that you hope to be where Jesus is. Often surprise them as they see what they call your simplicity, but what is in truth only your sincerity, while you treat as matter of fact the hope laid up for you in heaven . The Lord grant it for Jesus Christs sake. Amen”
Give Thanks! Make it shine plainly! Make the world know!
The new venue on Lake Michigan. It truly was beautiful.
Colossians 1:3-5
Friends, it has been too long. Let me catch you up a bit….
After I wrote to you, the wedding plans for our son and his fiancé were in full bloom. Making centerpieces for both the rehearsal dinner and the wedding, planning at the venue with the third event planner, preparing for the day, dress alterations, and the list goes on. It was a very busy time yet we were able to sneak in a quick trip on the RV for a long weekend.
Two weeks prior to the wedding, my husband tested positive for COVID. This put everyone in panic mode. We kept him quarantined, our daughter and myself tested and came out negative, our son moved out the moment my husband was heading to the doctor and we prayed deeply that God would work out all of the details. My mom came in to town to help with wedding prep and I am praising God she did as she and I spent a week outside in 80-90 degree weather daily making signs that the kids wanted, finishing up the rehearsal dinner centerpieces, attaching flowers to the lanterns they wanted down the aisle and anything else that had yet to be completed.
One week to the day of my husbands diagnosis, I tested positive. Now this was one week prior to the wedding. The kids said they would make sure to video tape and live stream. I was crushed. One year planning and I may not even be able to attend my sons wedding? Once again, I prayed that God would take care of all the details. He knew my heart and He knew the prayers before I could speak them.
Well, just so happens that one day before my positive test, our son and future daughter-in-law had their bachelorette and bachelor parties. Our son and his crew went to Chicago to celebrate. That was on a Saturday. Well, by Tuesday, our son and 3 of his groomsmen tested positive. Two of which by the way had been given the gene therapy, i.e. vaccine. So….the wedding had to be postponed.
While I sat in quarantine in my room during the day, I began making calls and looking up new venues. The kids said that the DJ would not refund their money and that he could only do a Friday or a Sunday. The girls dresses were summer dresses. Our son was moved out, in theory, and we knew that timing was of the most importance. So the kids gave me a date which was two weeks later than their previous wedding date. After hours of searching, I found a venue at a park on the waterfront that was available to rent. This was now two days from my one week mark of being in quarantine. They went and looked at it and booked it. They also booked the waterfront for the wedding itself. (Thus began the planning of a whole new wedding in two weeks. Ordering table linens, renting chairs and a Uhaul, finding volunteers to help with set up and clean up and the list goes on.)
Two days after finding the venue I woke up at 2 a.m. to use the bathroom, struggled to breath getting there. My doctor had me on a known protocol to work, I was on MCAS meds daily, I was taking a steroid that was prescribed 5 days earlier, inhalers, natural remedies etc. I was not getting better. I laid there on my stomach trying to decide what to do. Around 6:30 a.m. I woke up my husband and told him to call the ambulance. With two rescue dogs, and one of which being very scared and uncertain, I felt it would be best if I could meet the EMT’s outside. So I went from our room, to the top of the stairs and almost fell. My daughter told me to get into her bed and she helped me lay down. Our scared little muffin knew something was wrong and she jumped on top of my legs and would not move. Our daughter had to wrestle her off and harness her to get her into our bedroom for the safety of the EMT’s and myself. They loaded me onto a chair and moved me down the stairs, carrying me, those poor guys. I’m not a light chicken so I’m sure that was their workout for the day. (wink)
I was in the hospital 6 days total. It was in itself another whole story I won’t go into today. Started out on 10 liters of oxygen, some scary diagnosis, oxygen level at 83, and 6 days later to the medical communities shock, I went home with no oxygen resting and 2 liters when moving. I mean it when I say shock.
People have asked me how I handled the isolation in the hospital and if I was scared of the diagnosis, potential direction I was going and or my condition. Truth be told, I was not. I’m not saying that it wasn’t unnerving, however, being scared was never something that overcame my being. I was in survival mode and I had a mighty warrior on my side. The TV channels were worthless, there was no one to talk to, especially since I couldn’t breath well, so I watched movies part of the time on my iPad that my husband dropped off and most of all I rested and prayed. My prayer life was consumed with glorifying an amazing God who not only created me, yet who was with me in that room, giving me strength and encouragement. I did not just pray for my healing, yet I prayed for the healing of those that were on the floor. The patient numbers had doubled during those 6 days. These folks needed prayer. The staff, which ran itself from room to room needed prayers. My kids, devastated at their wedding being postponed needed prayers. My parents, my kids, my husband needed prayers as they waited to see what was going to happen. The doctors needed prayers as they pulled every resource out of their hats to try and save peoples lives. There was nothing short of hours of prayer.
When I was sick with my Lyme, I wasn’t sure I was going to make it. Just as I prayed then, I prayed in that hospital that “should You Lord, allow me to survive, I pray that I can be a blessing to others. Sharing what I know, how you provided the way and gave me strength. Please Lord do not let my suffering and healing go without sharing. That Lord, if I am not to survive and you are calling me home, I pray that others will see grace in my attitude, and that they will see a faithful servant to You. That You oh Lord will be blessed through all of this.”
Can you relate dear one? Have you been able to see the blessings of the Lord enrich your life with knowing Him? I don’t mean just on a Sunday or periodically when things get tough. I’m talking about daily discussions, prayers, and reliance on God through Jesus Christ. Are you secure in your love for Him and His for you?
As I have been healing, which will take months by the way, I have been praying over this blog and how to move on with it. My Love for sharing God’s word has opened and closed so many doors in the past. I’ve just been waiting. Then, as we traveled to worship on Sunday, I was sharing some of this with my husband and my loss of what to do and where to go with my new “empty nest” situation. I shared that I have felt very unworthy and I am feeling stuck with no direction. That I need to just keep waiting on the Lord, as I have done so many times over the last 26 years of knowing Him. Honestly, this has not been easy. Not as easy as relying on the Lord during my illness. I’ve just been waiting to hear from Him and for a hint of what to do next. Well, Gods message through our Elder, faithful servant as he is, was answering. In fact, we both walked out and stood in awe over the message that spoke directly to the situation I found myself. Are you curious enough to listen? Head on over to https://fallsopc.org and listen to this past Sundays message. My hope in my future “career” has been restored. Bonus, is that I am being given direction that didn’t come from my wants or needs…it came from a most Holy God whose love for me has been ever so consistent and efficient. I may not have the complete picture, yet I have the comfort and motivation mixed with the security in knowing that whatever door the Lord opens and whatever direction He guides me, it is for His glory.
Is there anything greater than the Love of the Lord God who created and gave His son for the sins of those whom love Him? When we read in Colossians 1:3-5 “the love that you have for all the saints” do we consider that is for us? Do we understand that true, unconditional, agape love from a righteous God is meant not just for the saints of the past, yet it’s also meant for us? Take some time to ponder what that means. Consider how pure and unchanging that is. Over centuries of mans faulty and sinful living, there is a holy Father in Heaven that gives a love that only a Father can give. Do you wander without direction? Are you fearful of the future? Are you fearful over an illness and death? Perhaps the Lord has led you to this blog to give you encouragement that there is something greater than fear and discouragement. There is a love surpasses all earthly concerns.
Friends, I encourage you to pray daily for the recognition of the Lord through Jesus Christ to overwhelm your spirit and soul so that you too may have comfort. Consider this prayer from Paul:
Ephesians 3:14-21
Prayer for Spiritual Strength
14 For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, 15 from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, 16 that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.
20 Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
Dakota – Black Lab mix (although we think he is closer to a pure bread), our gentle giant.
Lexi – Pyranees Lab mix, our little muffin
Each day I awake to the delightful warmth of one cat cuddled at my side and two dogs at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me to come down to them for their morning petting. The excitement of a treasured pets response to human interaction is unlike anything I’ve experienced. One wags her tail so excitedly that it looks like a windmill going in circles. Waiting at the bottom of the staircase with anticipation.
We’ve had two cats for awhile now, and with the addition of two dogs in the last year, I have to say life are has come full circle. We used to say we were cat people and not dog people…haha well that certainly has changed. The joy they bring to our lives is certainly nothing short of true bliss.
How did we get here? I have to say that God’s roll in our lives is never ceasing of His love. He guides, protects, and has plans for us that even we could not imagine. To think that a year ago, my daughter and I were heading to FL for a girls week of fun in the sun, only to return with a 24 hour car ride home with a sweet little puppy from Alabama. Helping one friend find a home for him and another friend find the love of their lives. For Sydney and I, it was bittersweet. We fell in love with that little guy so much so in 24 hours that we sobbed in handing him over. That experience led us to realize that a dog was possibly the completion to our family unit.
The weeks went on and our daughter continued to look for the same breed that our little Alabama friend was until finally she found one that was going to be transported to the local rescue from Missouri in just a few short weeks. Looking for a foster home first, then adoption the sweet face of that little munchkin melted our hearts. We knew she had to be ours. Ironically, one of our friends mom ran the rescue locally. She was able to to secure our little Lexi so that we could foster her and “see how it went”. Of course, it wasn’t long and we knew we had to adopt her.
The family unit, we thought, was complete. That is until we went to Scotland and Lexi played with two other dogs for almost 2 weeks. When we brought her home we quickly realized how much she needed another dogs interaction. We decided to adopt a black lab brought up from Alabama who was found in a kill shelter and brought up to our state. He is the most gentle giant we know. He and Lexi have become brother and sister, Gary and I have become parents all over again (as they act like toddlers sometimes….) and the kids are loving having dogs.
Who would have thought…..I mean, you would think a simple trip to Disney would be exactly that, simple. Yet for us, it was unknowingly the beginning of a new chapter in our lives. A new chapter that brings us great joy daily.
All of this has had me thinking about life in general. We think that we plan out our lives, detail for detail, thinking that we know what is around the next corner. Yet, we are not actually in control. We are subject to the greater good of a God who loves us and who cares for all of our needs. A God who watched His own children fall into sin, only to love them enough to bring them back to himself by sacrificing. Making a sacrifice of his own Son so that the sins of man will be forgiven. How often do we consider what a loving God we have? How often do we take for granted His mercy and grace in our lives when things do not go “as we planned”? Sometimes, we need to reflect on His love, the outcome of our situations, and the blessings that we receive through His plan of redemption in our lives.
As I look at that trip to FL, I actually see the blessing of three lives that were saved due to the unexpectedness of that trip. Little Gus, whom rode home with us, the farm dog that needed a home, Lexi a rescue whose mom abandoned she and her litter mates at birth, and Dakota, the good natured sweetest boy who was found at a kill shelter. To be able to see those blessings, is also a blessing. To have the eyes to see something out of the unplanned circumstances that we had not planned on happening.
God’s plan is always perfect in our lives. We have nothing more to give other than praises and thanksgiving to a God who knows, sees, hears, and glorifies.
There is much to be said about the word Peace. The dictionary gives the following definition for peace: freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility. Or, freedom from or the cessation of war or violence. There is a third however that is not written in the dictionary, and that is the kind of peace that only Christ can bestow upon his beloved. This peace is tranquil and quiet, yet it is also something else that I have yet to find the word for. It’s the kind of quiet that goes beyond just the noise around us. It’s a calming of the body, calming of the mind and calming of the soul.
Having peace in situations that are difficult, can be difficult in and of themselves, however, through prayer and scripture we see that peace is attainable when one has that relationship with our Lord and Savior. He gives that peace of knowledge that all will be well and all will be dealt with. That He and He alone can settle the most vile of offenses, most obnoxious behavior, and the results of such in observers.
As I have looked around the last year, it seems that the world has gone crazy. There is so much violence, there is so much heartache and people are just well….not behaving appropriately. It is very discouraging and could be very depressing. Knowing the Lord has helped me to focus more on Him and not so much on that which the world would like to throw at us and at me. Having some perspective and knowing that I cannot control people, their behavior or the world in which I live has given me peace. Why? Because it is a burden that is lifted when I read scripture and when I pray. A burden of feeling like I have to hold people accountable to their sin, or that I need to help the weak by taking on their troubles. God has a plan for each of us. He knows that which we are able to handle and that which will make us stronger in our faith and relationship with Him. He makes us stronger in the valley’s so that we can look up and see his glory at the top of the mountain. Waiting on Him to give us that peace is what I think is the most difficult. Sometimes, we feel that if there is not peace at that moment then we have to do something. Sometimes, we just need to sit back and watch, wait and listen. Allow God to be all that He is and let Him take over that which we are not capable.
Friends, I ask you to pray with me this day on the burdens that are around us. Pray that we can do what we can without feeling the burden of making “everything all right”. We are here to assist with what we can, love those who seek our love and learn to accept the peace from our everlasting Father.
I haven’t written once again and although I consider it I am lost in my thoughts without much to say.
I recently commented to a few individuals I respect, how much I cannot understand the sin of the world. It dumb founds me. I mean, I know it is because of the fall of man yet I see so much evil and sin around me that I just have a difficult time understanding it or wrapping my head around it. I think that’s why I haven’t been able to write. I just cannot seem to say what I want to.
So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. 1 John 4:16
As I sit here on this beautiful day, I praise God that my family is together, we respect one another, we praise and worship together and we stand by one another. I thank God for saving me and capturing my heart, turning me away from the sin of the world and for saving my husband and children. I know that we will make mistakes and be tempted as long as we are here on this earth, yet I also know that God has instilled in us the moral character of faithful Christians who will recognize temptation as it comes our way so that we will have the ability to turn away and turn toward Him. Oh the blessing of His saving Grace and for His Word that sustains and leads.
Last night we said goodbye to another beloved family member. It’s interesting how life works and how even when a loved one has turned away from God for the purpose of self indulgences, family still stands by out of love for that individual and can pray and weep in mourning together. He may not have been perfect, he had his faults, yet he was loved by many.
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Corinthians 13:7
Over the years I sat by and observed how my uncle loved his children and those around him. He tried to be a part of their lives in so many ways. His children unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried, walked away from him in either silence or defiance. Their sin was repeatedly overlooked by him due to his love for them. I never understood why he continued to try so hard only to be disappointed over and over. In the last few years of his life, my uncle had let go of trying so hard and accepted his place in their lives, which by witnessing his lifestyle became apparent he had a hole in his heart he was trying to fill.
I was sitting here this afternoon, resting, eating my lunch, and watching the end of a movie, during which I was profoundly overcome with tears and joy over a discussion that took place in the movie. Let me recap the conversation:
Man: “Do you love me?”
Woman: “What is your interest in me? What do you want? I don’t get it? I’m old, I’m broke, I can’t cook a decent meal, I’m fat…Why would you love a ruined person that ruins other people?”
Man: “Is that it? You think that because you screwed up once you don’t get a second chance?”
(Fast forward through the description of his sinfulness of adultery etc.)
Man: “My kids are still mad. I get a calendar for Christmas. It doesn’t matter if your kids love you or not…It’s not their job to love you….It’s your job to love them! That’s why you were put here. That’s why you’re their mom. That’s why I’m my kids dad. I love my kids so much….”
I thought of two things:
While my uncle had so may years of loving and forgiving his children for their own sin, his love for them was felt and known. Whether or not they accepted it didn’t matter, they knew he loved them unconditionally. He didn’t put prerequisites on their behavior in order for him to love them, he just did because he was their dad. He forgave them time and time again, waiting patiently for them to come to him while still showing them he loved them. With sadness, he never got to witness their homecoming back into his life. It was on his deathbed that one of his children stood over him holding his hand telling him he loved him. His other child lives across the country so it’s unknown what their reaction was. I am betting that there was soul searching and a broken heart.
I listened to the conversation, with ears hearing that of the Father who gave so much for his children out of unconditional love. I know that the movie did not intend to portray that of scripture, yet for me it struck a chord and moved me to finally be able to write what I’m thinking. As a parent, do we love our children unconditionally? Do I love my children and look beyond their sin? Do I show them how much I love them? When I am departing this world will my children be able to say, “Mom loved me and gave me her all. She wasn’t selfish in her own ambitions in life, she was not into self indulgences, she was a woman filled with the Word of God loving, serving and forgiving unconditionally”?
Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 1John 4:7-11
I am sad for my uncle that he could not see how much his children loved him, yet, as spoken above, I think God has used and will continue to use the examples he set for others to perhaps take note and consider. If not now, then perhaps when and or if the Lord calls them by name. He loved unconditionally and he lived and died unknowing. I will miss his love for my family, especially for my mom. He was there for her from the beginning, always embracing the roll of the big brother, protecting and supporting in some of her darkest moments of fear, rejection and loss. His love for my own family over many years was amazing. He took an interest….. I think that’s the part I have missed and will continue to miss the most. I don’t know whether or not I will see my uncle again as I don’t know where he stood with God. Sadly he did not live a life dedicated to Jesus Christ according to His Word. I only know that whatever relationship he had with God is between the two of them, and God has blessed me with the treasured memories of a predominantly selfless man that will have to last a lifetime.
Perhaps this is a bunch of jumbled thoughts to you dear reader, yet I hope that through my writing I have offered you something. Either sparked a thought, sparked a conversation or sparked an interest in learning more of a loving Father and that in which we are created for on this earth.
The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. 1Timothy 1:5
Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.” John 14:21
God’s care for his people is sufficient! There can be no doubt. Joy comes from knowing who He is, what He has done for us, what he has provided for us, and what we have to look forward to in serving Him. I sat in amazement the other night in church as the teaching was on Approaching God from Psalm 131. It was a very nice follow up to what I had previously that morning posted on my blog. It wrapped up my thoughts and was like a gift handed back. I just had to share it here with you. Hope you will take the time to listen.
The day has arrived. The gifts are strategically placed under the tree. The children arise with excitement while breakfast warms in the oven.
Quickly, the morning passes by. The mimosa’s were sipped and the table was cleared while all who enjoyed sat with full stomachs relaxing to sounds of Christmas music and small talk. It seems as though the day has brought joy and cheer. Yet, there is a longing in the heart for more. Something that cannot be purchased in a store. Something that cannot be planned. Something greater than anyone can explain or put a monetary amount to. The salvation of a lost soul.
Given this day, the awaited Messiah was presented to a fallen humanity. The birth of a child that will save sinners from death. The knowledge of Him and His saving grace is by itself is the greatest gift given on this Christmas day. That we recognize the importance of God’s gracious gift and His unconditional love makes all the fuss of the celebration seem insignificant. The true blessing and true gift of immeasurable splendor…Our Lord Jesus Christ!
From our family to yours, we wish all a Merry Christmas.
Hoping that everyone will take a moment to read this blog post. It’s a wonderful thought provoking post.
Swimming with the fishes…perhaps we should look beyond the definition and remember that sometimes bottom feeders are also the ones cleaning the tank.
Kindness and integrity are something that are rarely seen today. I know the answer to the why question is sin. It still astounds me however, that even as “cultured”, well rounded, and advanced we are as a society and in our understanding of the world and one another we seem to lack kindness and integrity. Lost somewhere between the “all about me” and “life is good” mentality.
Last week I received an invitation from a former doctors office (of which I left 3 years ago). The invitation was for classes that were coming up called “Eliminate Bottom Feeders”. The minute I saw the title I was stunned. Reading more of it I was flabbergasted at the “all about me” instruction I was invited to. It read:
How miserable are you with the toxic people in your life? ARE YOU READY TO BE A BETTER YOU in every life situation no matter who is in front of you?……..instructions to transform your life into one of simplicity and freedom……Best of all, you’ll learn the proven methods to attract positive, loving, and inspiring people into your world today.
I cannot write any more of what is on this flyer. I’m frustrated just writing it. Seriously? The all about “me” worldly viewpoint once again protruding off the page. Call me old fashioned, call me old or call me anything, however, this is down right what is wrong with our society and world as a whole. We fight for ideology, we fight for justice (as long as it benefits us) and we fight for happiness (our own). What ever happened to fighting for others for no good reason or for justice just because it’s morally the right thing to do. Our culture seems to enjoy reality shows where people are glamified in their sins and any redeeming quality that does exist is overshadowed by laughter, criticism and hatefulness.
Is this what is wrong with our youth? Is the next generation going to serve a purposeful place in society? The questions should be considered.
There are several situations that have recently transpired in in the last week where I’ve had to look around and consider how to handle individuals that have taken the “me” attitude. In dealing with those situations, with those individuals I have considered just turning them away because as the class title states, they were bottom feeders. Anyone who knows me however, knows that doing that is not in my personality. I have had to consider in each situation the attempt to overshadow the “me” concept with love, forgiveness and kindness. I’ve prayed over my own heart and asked for guidance in my reactions. In order to understand more clearly I also looked up “bottom feeder” and this is what it said:
bottom feeder – leech, or in other words a total lack of responsibility to provide for oneself. Relies heavily upon friends, neighbors or anyone really for sustenance.
This of course allowed something to lay upon my heart with great pressure. That if someone is a bottom feeder, and they are going to rely on others for sustenance, can’t we assist them by being a good example and steward in what it means to give back? I mean, if they are going to rely on us, perhaps that is God’s way of blessing us with opportunity. Perhaps, that is where He will use us in our service to Him. Just maybe, that person is someone that needs to see kindness so that they too may go out one day and bless another with the same. What if we as a society, stopped watching all of the “me” media and reality shows with our children and rather, began to outsource our energy to brighten someone else’s day with a kind gesture, a kind word, or a smile. What about a meal for someone who is unable to cook, weeding someones garden because they aren’t able, taking in a neighbors garbage can when it blows in the street or even opening a door for someone who is struggling whether it be due to little children or a disability? What about a prayer and an email to someone you know needs the encouragement? Most of all what about forgiveness? The posibilities are endless. Remember, bottom feeder are also the ones that are cleaning the tanks. They are of value and they could be your blessing.
Our culture also tries to make our children and one another believe that every relationship is a fairytale. That every day you wake up you should be singing, laughing and never complaining. I’m sorry to say that you can read self help books till the cow’s come home and you will never find that to be true. If all that is taught is what is in the movies or on reality TV about what they call “true” happiness, one is surely to be disappointed. In fact, maybe that’s why so many people are on antidepressant drugs. Perhaps, rather than instructing one another on how to rid ourselves of people who drag us down, maybe we should begin sharing with one another how we have dealt with struggles in our own lives. You never know, it just may assist in the mind set of someone who has a lack of coping skills. Life is full of challenges and we cannot escape them, we need to learn to cope with them.
John 16:33English Standard Version (ESV)
33 I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
Now, don’t misunderstand what I’m saying. There are boundaries to everything, and there are priorities. We should not be forsaking our families attention for that of others. We do not put our families on hold so that we can attempt to “save the world”. However, we should be able to balance our families and others who maybe don’t know what it means to not be selfish. Even the example of serving our families can be seen by others. When I was in College, one of our classes required us to read a book called, Give A Man A Fish and He Will Eat For A Day, Teach A Man To Fish and He Will Eat For A LifeTime. A concept we have long forgotten.
As I ponder this week how I may assist in showing that which I know to be good stewardship to all those I encounter, I consider also what it means to be content. Content with this life on this earth. Contentment with illness, with family, with friends, with volunteering my time and with contentment in all things. I hope that you too will consider where our society is today and the culture that is vastly becoming all of our reality. How can we play a part in transforming just one person from being a “me” thinking individual to being a “difference maker”.
(I personally would like to have my own class…6 weeks in teaching others how to go beyond themselves in behavior and in thought.) ha ha ha
ESV — 1 Timothy 6:1-10 6 Let all who are under a yoke as bondservants1 regard their own masters as worthy of all honor, so that the name of God and the teaching may not be reviled. 2 Those who have believing masters must not be disrespectful on the ground that they are brothers; rather they must serve all the better since those who benefit by their good service are believers and beloved.
False Teachers and True Contentment
Teach and urge these things. 3 If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound 2 words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness, 4 he is puffed up with conceit and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy craving for controversy and for quarrels about words, which produce envy, dissension, slander, evil suspicions, 5 and constant friction among people who are depraved in mind and deprived of the truth, imagining that godliness is a means of gain. 6 But godliness with contentment is great gain, 7 for we brought nothing into the world, and3 we cannot take anything out of the world. 8 But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content. 9 But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.
Wearily pulling myself out of self loathing yesterday, I had the opportunity to visit with a friend whom is no longer able to walk and is finishing out her young life knowing that she is fading away into the arms of her savior. I was so blessed and refreshed by the visit, that I had to ask God’s forgiveness for the moments prior to our time together. After all, I had been questioning what good was going to come of such a visit when I was so tired from battling my pneumonia for the last 3 weeks. I did not feel like smiling, I just wanted to sleep and rest in the comfort of my living room. Venturing out into the cold was not appealing, even though I had an errand I had to run prior to the visit. I pondered forgoing the errand and the visit. It’s amazing how God uses times like those to touch our inner being, reminding us that there is so much to do and so little time for the joy of the Lord to be shared with others. I came home physically tired, yet spiritually uplifted. My original intention of visiting my friend was because I thought I was going to bless her, yet, God blessed me instead with a sustainable energy that kept me going for the rest of the night and He reminded me of the grace of humility.
There is no place for self loathing or a self serving attitude for Christians who know Him.
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you declares the Lord, and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have driven you , declares the Lord, and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile.” Jeremiah 29:11-14
For the last year, life has had it’s ups and downs with my diagnosis of Lyme Disease. The loneliness of having a physical disability is only known by those who are also afflicted with such circumstances. For this reason, I was determined that when I felt better, I was going to start weekly visits with my friend whom I had neglected prior to my own illness. I remember having the need to visit her, however, I am embarrassed to admit that time was filled with so many other things to do that I never made the time. I was just too busy, plain and simple. Isn’t that so like our society today? We spend so much time doing so many great things that have such little value. Yet the things that mean so much, we brush aside thinking they are not of great significance.
I challenge you reader to consider your own life and ask yourself this question, “What have I done today that was not for my own gratification?” If you ask yourself that question and find that you cannot come up with one thing, I challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and give it a try. If you are only doing for others so that you will benefit, you have not challenged yourself enough. Try taking time out of your day to do something for someone that will not have anything to do with benefiting yourself. Let me explain. If you partake on a mercy mission for someone else, make sure you are not thinking that it’s for your own benefit or self glorification that you are doing it. True acts of kindness, love and humility do not come from knowledge, they come from the heart. Outpouring unconditionally!
Last year there were several wonderful friends who took time out of their days to sit with me or write to me. The fact that they thought of me and prayed for me was enough, but these women actually took the time out of their busy lives to let me know. Unconditionally! From guilt free quilting to those friday pizza nights where I would otherwise have sat here alone. From e-cards of inspiration to the hand written notes mailed through the post, I was blessed by the giving of their time. I can only hope that they too felt blessed by the love they shared with this lonely Christian in her time of need for fellowship.
My friend and I sat together yesterday and began reading a book. Although my friend can no longer read and I am actually doing the reading, our discussions during and afterward were wonderful. We began the first week with the first two chapters of the book and studying Psalm 13.
How long, O LORD? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I take counsel in my soul and have sorrow in my heart all the day? How long shall my enemy be exalted over me?
Consider and answer me, O LORD my God; light up my eyes, lest I sleep and the sleep of death, lest my enemy say, “I have prevailed over him,” lest my foes rejoice because I am shaken.
But I have trusted in your steadfast love; my heart shall rejoice in your salvation. I will sing to the LORD, because he has dealt bountifully with me. Psalm 13
We both discussed how blessed we are knowing that we had the fellowship with one another, and the fellowship of the Lord Jesus Christ. David, in writing this psalm, felt alone and abandoned by God, yet he trusted in His love. He knew God was there or he would not have called out to him to begin with, but he cried out for the reassurance. He just longed for the fellowship and comfort of the Lord to help with the loneliness that was overtaking his physical being. Is this any different than how we feel when we are going through trials? As Christians we know God is ever present and we can trust in His love, yet we long for that physical fellowship. It’s in our human nature to have that need, and yet, so many are left in their lonely state.
In both of my studies this week, the same question came up, “Why is it so important to establish a right view of God before adversity hits?” (CBS JOB commentary) Both my friend and I agree that in our circumstances we could not get through all that humanity and disease throws at us if we did not have trust in the Lord and trust in salvation. In saying that, it does not mean we will not have tears and that we will not be discouraged at our current situation. Just as David was discouraged, he still trusted in “steadfast love” which in turn allowed him to “rejoice in salvation”. Rejoice…
Rejoicing in the everlasting love of a creator who has chosen us to be a part of his kingdom. Rejoicing in his blessings of family and fellowship with other like minded brothers and sisters who will share in an eternal life. Rejoicing in the blessing of vision to see that our sorrows are short lived in this world. Rejoicing that Jesus Christ took upon himself the sins of mankind to save. Rejoicing in the Hope and Faith of healing and God’s everlasting care in our lives on this earth. Rejoicing in knowing Him!
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.” Romans 1:16-17