Many times I am quite surprised at the lack of information people have regarding the food they eat. For example, many do not realize the hazards of GMO’s, high fructose syrup, MSG, soybean oil, margarines, preservatives, dyes, flouride, farm raised fish, conventional beef, chicken, fat free ingredients, etc. The list goes on and on. In the age of technology all it takes is the push of a button and one can experience information overload. Is all of the information you read accurate? No. Is all of the information you read possibly out to sell you a product? Yes. Can you be easily misled by information? Yes. That being said, my philosophy is to look at the sites that hold credibility by posting their resources from where they themselves found their information. It is also possible to pull up research done at Universities or through research firms that have published their findings.
That being said, our family only buys organic products and when possible we make everything from scratch. I’ve taught my children how to cook and how to creatively make lunches out of leftovers and healthy breakfasts that consist of non sugar non cereal ingredients. Rarely do they eat cereal or sandwiches. On occasion they do like a gluten free organic shaved turkey sandwich or even an albacore tuna sandwich (bpa free can wild caught tuna). Mustard is okay as a condiment option, however, their favorite is mayonnaise. Have you seen the ingredient list on a jar of mayonnaise? I used to buy an organic brand that was made with coconut oil, however at $15 a jar, I just couldn’t stomach paying the price any longer. About 2 years ago a friend found a recipe made with the coconut oil and I began making it myself. The family however, after a time, just plain old got sick of the coconut flavor so I began learning more about oil choices and changed the recipe to the families liking.
By making our own, we are also able to make other wonderful dressings that satisfy the need for something more creamy. With this recipe we dress cole slaw, potato salad, salads and more with just a change in the seasonings. Flavored mayonnaise is also great depending upon the sandwich.
Hope you’ll give it a try.
Sherry’s Quick Mayonnaise (makes a little over a pint)
1 whole farm fresh egg
2 farm fresh egg yolks
Sea Salt to taste
1 TBS Organic Dijon Mustard
1 tsp Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
(Optional additions depending upon what you are making it for: Wasabi powder, variety of herbs, anchovies, dash of cayenne pepper, dried mustard, turmeric…)
Place all ingredients above in a food processor and process until completely mixed.
Make sure when you begin pouring the oil in, that the processor is on. Do not stop the processor while adding the oils. There should be a cup with a hole in it in the top of the food processor. This is where you will slowly pour in the oils.
Please note: the slower you pour in the oil, the better your mayonnaise will be. The oils will separate from the other ingredients faster if you pour the oils in too quickly. This is the secret. Slow…
1 – 8 oz. bottle of Almond Oil, Olive Oil, Avacado Oil, Grapeseed Oil (These are the ones I use and I like the flavor.)
1 – 8 oz. bottle of another oil (use a second oil from the list above)
I usually store the mayonnaise in a jar with a lid, not plastic, in the fridge. Enjoy!
Little Tidbits:
Partially Hydrogenated Soybean Oil – manmade fat; known to cause cellular disruption in the body; obesity; reproductive problems; heart disease; US grown soybeans are 90% genetically engineered; soybeans contains Omega-6’s and can lead to inflammation; soybeans contain phytates which block the absorption of minerals; affects negatively on the thyroid;
(References: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/01/27/soybean-oil.aspx http://www.lewrockwell.com/2013/01/joseph-mercola/soybean-oil-one-of-the-most-harmful-ingredients-in-processed-foods/)
Avacado Oil – reduces inflammation and oxidation; helps to fight against free radicals; studies show it kills cancer cells; contains more vitamin D than Olive Oil; contains carotenoids that help fight cancers;
(References: http://healinggourmet.com/article/avocado-oil-the-healthiest-cooking-oil-youre-not-using-yet-853; http://www.naturalnews.com/027509_avocado_skin_health.html )
Olive Oil – rich in monounsaturated fatty acids; reduces inflammation; reduces chances of heart disease and hypertension; lowers risk of depression; may reduce breast cancer risk; may reduce risk of stroke in elderly; helps to maintain healthy cholesterol levels; helps to protect liver and pancreas;
(References: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/266258.php; The research is numerous… take a look.)
Almond Oil – High in Vitamins E & D & K; helps with digestion; protects and maintains healthy brain tissue; reduces LDL and aids in raising HDL; helps in protecting the skin; reduces blood pressure; aids in protecting from heart disease; rich in folic acid; high in minerals; contains anti-oxidents;
(References: http://www.medindia.net/patients/lifestyleandwellness/health-benefits-of-almond-oil.htm; http://www.livestrong.com/article/119876-health-benefits-sweet-almond-oil/; http://www.seedguides.info/almonds/)
Grape Seed Oil – full of anti-oxidents; lowers LDL; may help to inhibit cancer cell growth; helps with acne; may help in PMS symptoms; may help with cavities; can be cooked at higher heat without releasing free radicals unlike Olive Oil;
(References: http://www.livestrong.com/article/406768-the-health-benefits-of-grape-seed-cooking-oil/; http://www.homecookingadventure.com/articles/grape-seed-oil-benefits)
Keep in mind that you need to do your research. Not all oils are alike and you need to understand each one and how to keep them from spoiling. Note also that there is a great amount of information available. Choose wisely what works best for you.
Know what it is that you are putting in your mouth.
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