Tag Archives: Health

Eat Right for Your Type Update Week – Two

Okay, so if you are following this fun journey with me (us…) then you already know that we are two weeks into eating according to our blood type.  It’s been quite a journey.  We have noticed that weight loss, although slow, is going to be accomplished.  We learned that we are sleeping better, have more energy during the day, are thinking clearly, and are noticing that the water weight that “weighed us down” (ha ha) is actually minimized.  And on a more personal note, “gut” reactions are improving.  If you know what I mean.  🙂

The winner of this past week was the wild caught Walleye.

Arugula greens on the bottom…


Baked Walleye with approved seasoning…


Topped with:  sauteed pinenuts, fresh garlic, 1 cup of parsley, pea shoots (chopped) and chopped green onion.  Then baked again for another 5 minutes.



Served with:  Sauteed purple, yellow and orange carrots, celery, pineapple, and garlic, in grape seed oil and a dash of a sweet red wine and a pinch of sea salt.


I topped it with some bean sprouts and served it up with a smile.  🙂


The peppery bitterness of the arugula was a nice addition to the fish since we cannot use any pepper for seasoning.

Some of our other favorites this week were:

The buckwheat pancakes with freshly ground buckwheat, ricotta, 2 eggs, sea salt, 1/4 C. honey, 1/8 C. olive oil and baking powder.

1 egg Omelette with black beans, green onion, kale and goats cheese.

Salads topped with a variety of the following:  black beans, goats cheese, feta, cucumber, carrots, artichokes, pecans, almonds, avacados, and seeds.  For dressing we bought and have enjoyed some various flavored olive oils with some fresh herbs.

I also made some greek muffins out of almond flour.  They had feta, precooked turkey bacon and spinach.  These are a favorite in our home.  They actually look like and taste like muffins.  🙂

And second place went to the lettuce wraps that I made.


Diced Chicken breasts (I used only two breasts in the whole meal for a family of 4), chopped Kale, diced into cubes butternut squash, onions and pineapple.  Placed in a leaf of Boston lettuce and topped with just a dollop of sour cream.    These were also very yummy.  I did season the mixture with fresh garlic, herbs, and a touch of coconut aminos.

So far so good.  We shopped yesterday according to our weekly meal plan and I look forward to sharing with you next weeks favorites.   (I already have to say that today’s homemade tortillas were a hit…until next week….)






New Hope?

Science is defined as “knowledge attained through study or practice,”or “knowledge covering general truths of the operation of general laws, esp. as obtained and tested through scientific method [and] concerned with the physical world.”  (New Collegiate Dictionary)

The scientific method is an ongoing process, which usually begins with observations about the natural world.

All that being said, in my opinion, any mom is a scientist.  Knowledge is gained from the moment of conception, especially if the blessing of morning sickness is present.   As the days and years pass by, a mom is not necessarily just a scientist, yet also an expert.  If paying close attention, she knows the habits of her spouse and children, what it takes for their survival and knows how to best help them succeed.   Observations are taken in, processed, and as time goes by, adjustments are made to fit the necessary needs of one or all individuals.

In science, nothing is constant.  Things continually change with new findings from new observations.  You could say that  a new perspective may have come to fruition, allowing for an observation and conclusion that had not before been attained. (You all know I truly enjoy perspective)

I remember when we were first married and I had purchased a book called Beyond Cellulite.  I remember reading in it things about the body and nutrition that I had not heard before.  Although that first book made an impression, I cannot remember all that I read, only that it was the start to my journey on health, nutrition and making proper food choices.  We’ve been married 22 years, so that book must be at least 21 years old at this point.  It’s been quite a learning process and just when I think I’ve nailed it for my family, I find out I’m still on the first step at the basement level.  This brings me to my post for today and a challenge I bring to all of my followers who struggle with health, illness, weight, depression, anxiety, allergies or who just have plain old too much time on their hands and like to try new things.

Let’s talk food….

When I was pregnant I read everything I could on carrying for my baby so that he/she would be healthy.  I nursed both of my children for a year, introduced foods as the pediatrician recommended and made sure not to introduce sweets, sodas, or anything of the like too early.  Over the years, we learned that our son, who was having allergy symptoms and night terrors, was allergic to many environmental allergens, pets, and foods.  His food allergies included tomatoes, wheat, and dairy.   I remember the doctor asking which we wanted to avoid first and my response..”All“!

Amazingly, after only one month of complete avoidance of all three food allergens, he was a calmer child, his intestinal discomfort was nearly gone and for the first time since infancy he was not as congested.  It was not as easy as it is today, gluten free foods were bland, hard to find, unaccepted and misunderstood.   He was teased in school over his lunches and we as parents were criticized by many that we were doing wrong by our son by not letting him eat whatever he wanted.   It was difficult for all of us, yet we understood that health issues at an early age could become more severe with serious consequences to follow if we didn’t manage it in a timely fashion.

Fast forward 14 years later and we come to where we are today.  We eat all organic, eat gluten free, low carbs, low grains, very few potatoes, organic grass fed beef from 1/2 a cow in our freezer, drink raw milk and eat raw cheeses, free range organic chicken and turkey, free range organic eggs daily, soda only on holidays or special occasions, very little sugar (especially since I’m a failure at making cookies and GF are too expensive for a daily dessert or treat)…you get the point.  We avoid, MSG, HFCS, the dirty dozen, all gluten, processed meats, cereals etc.  Yet, at the same time all four of us have been diagnosed as celiac…yes by a doctor and yes through testing.  (A common question I get quite often.)  Three of us are hypothyroid, we are all on the obese scale, I have Lyme disease, and three of us have adrenal issues.  As many have said, “Why would I eat all organic, it’s too expensive and hard to find.  I don’t have time to cook all day like you do.  Plus, what benefit have you seen?  After all, you guys are always ill and I’m thin and healthy.”  (Okay, I exaggerated that last part a little, after all, they let us know how we always have issues, they just don’t tell us we are fat!)

I myself have been told over the years that my priorities are not in order and that I could be thin again if I would just quit spending so much time at church or in bible studies and get myself in the gym.  I’ve been told that I just don’t do enough to get my body moving.  (I so wish sometimes that those people could be inside my body when I come inside after a 4 mile walk and collapse from adrenal shut down, and then, because of my Lyme, I cannot move because every muscle and joint has stiffened up due to too much activity.)  I know, sounds like I’m complaining doesn’t it.  Yes, fetch me some cheese to go along with the whine.  🙂

I just need to explain why my journey has not been an easy one and why I continue with every cell of my being to learn as much as I can about nutrition, foods and health.  I do not take it lightly.  I do hours of research, reading and learning.  What started 21 years ago, has only continued and hopefully  will continue until I no longer find the need to have the information.  This brings me to….

My old discovery made new.

I bought a book over 10 years ago.  I do not know when or why I bought it, yet I know I unpacked it at this house so I’ve had it at least 10+ years.  I remember reading most of it and putting it on the book shelf and honestly I don’t think it went any further than that.  I remember almost taking it to goodwill a few years ago as I thought it was likely inaccurate and just another silly “diet” plan.

Well, I have to admit that I was wrong and I have since pulled that book off of the shelf, dusted it off and am taking a  serious look at the subject, content, theory and finding.   You could, if you were reading this closely, come to the conclusion that I’m just desperate and looking for anything to help our family.  In fact, if I didn’t know myself, I would say that too.  I have however, come to the conclusion that there is something to this book and that God’s timing for me to understand the content of this book is now, after the journey of learning through everything else that I have.  There was a process of observation that needed to take place before I could understand and accept the knowledge before me in this book.

Let me explain a little further.  In our journey over the last 5 years the kids and I have gone through food intolerance testing, only to learn that foods that were on the avoid list were things that caused inflammation, and illness.   We learned about foods that were in our daily diet and our bodies response to them.  We had several lists of foods that were to be avoided for several months up to a year.  After that we could slowly introduce them back in.  Knowing that we do all organic and the test is done on conventional foods, I had a difficult time accepting that everything on it was accurate.   We did what we were told and avoided accordingly, knowing that some may not be as accurate because of how we already ate.  What we did learn however, was that our son’s unknown fevers and aches that lasted 12-18 hours were due to conventional beef, and that my intestinal track was not dancing with joy after rice intake.  We saw that some foods the kids or I did not enjoy were on the avoid list.

In November/December our 19 year old son decided that he was going completely raw.  My husband and I were concerned over this concept (even thought I own a book of recipes on raw foods) because we thought he was not taking in enough protein etc. for his age.  We did notice however, that his attitude was better, he played his bagpipes almost flawlessly, he had more energy and he was motivated.  He also lost weight.  During the holidays and through our move from our cottage things got crazy around our home and he found it difficult to resume this lifestyle.  He went back to eating as we were.  High protein, red meats, fruits, vegetables, lots of eggs, etc.  He complained that he did not feel as well and was not functioning as well as he did on the raw diet.  His proclamation last weekend that he was going back to raw grabbed my attention.  My husband and I decided we needed to understand what was going on with his body and the foods that he was consuming.  I woke up Saturday morning remembering the book I had purchased all those years ago and wondered how far back in the book shelf it would be.  Ironically it was right in the front.  I pulled it out and began reading.

At this point your asking yourself if I’m ever going to reveal the book name.  Yes I will, with one promise from you dear reader, please continue reading before you think I’m off my rocker.  🙂  It’s called Eat Right 4 Your Type.  It’s a book regarding one’s blood type and the foods that affect how your body responds to foods based on that type.  I am not kidding you that I was stunned what I was finding.  Many of the foods that were on our food intolerance avoid list (which was not a cheap test to have done, not to mention that 3 of us had it) was on the avoid list in this book for our blood type.   I also noticed that the foods that I did not like and avoided in my younger years (when I was a size 4 and healthy) were on the avoid list.   The foods that our kids do not like or that do not make them feel good were on the avoid list.  Everything we eat daily is on the avoid list.  The things we were allowed to eat were  the things we avoided on all of the meal plans we had tried previously.

Just a little more history….

Prior to 9 years ago (which is when we moved to our current home) we were thinner and healthier.  We were gluten free, dairy free, and ate limited red meats.  Well, shortly after our move here,  we were introduced to raw milk and our son who had been dairy free since the age of 5 could drink it without any issues so we began introducing dairy back into our diet.  We also found that we could order a 1/4 or 1/2 a cow.  The freezer was stocked, we made weekly or biweekly trips for raw milk, we were the healthiest eaters around.  We learned about fermentation, gardening, raising chickens, bee keeping, sprouting grains, seeds and nuts.  Our diets have been so different than mainstream society that our dinner invitations are limited out of the fear for cooking for us.  🙂  With all of this, how in the world could we be obese and ill?  Could this book be the key we were looking for?  Could we have finally found the answers that we were looking for?

Back on track.

Let me just tell you, nothing happens just because.  There are no coincidences.  God leads us and gives us what we need when he wants us to have it.  In most cases, people don’t believe just because it makes sense, they have to be convinced.  In my case, as an “expert mom in training” and as a “home scientist” I like to consider theories or hypotheses, make observations and conclude.  My Lyme disease is no different.  I have had to see the science behind the research and choose the options for my care that through observation were making a difference.  I currently have minimal symptoms and when my friends peak their ugly heads to remind me they are still a part of me, I work with what protocols I have observed work for me.  Sometimes they need tweaking and sometimes changes have to be made.  Just as changes need to be made for our family and our food choices.

One month… that’s it… one month should give us a glimpse into whether or not this book is accurate or just another lost hope for healing and wellness.  So, we started officially Monday, with several family and friends joining in as support.    For the kids and I, we are supposed to avoid all red meats and eat minimally fish and chicken.  We can eat lots of vegetables, yet not the night shades.  (Hmmmm…. remember our son could not eat tomatoes?)  We have to limit dairy to fermented choices, kefir and yogurt with limited goats cheese and ricotta second.   We are to avoid all gluten, which we already did…hmmmm….is this why?  We are to add back in soy products.  (Hmmmm…. not a fan of this, yet willing to add in Tofu, Tempeh and Miso only if it’s organic.)  We can eat GF grains?  What about the protein or paleo diets?  Nope, causes inflammation and weight gain if we do.  Is this why I still have inflammation and the doctors cannot figure out why?  Not to mention the water retention that has them stumped?   No eggs (which we eat daily), olives or pickles…. Again, you get the idea.

In talking with others, it’s interesting to hear that for their blood type, they should be avoiding certain foods which they already know cause them grief.  Or, they lose weight based on a specific diet plan that fits with their blood type food lists.  You could call this a second observation.

Have we observed any differences in just a few days of eating for our blood type?  Yes.  Bloating and water retention is already lessening.    Feeling detox affects through exhaustion.  Sleeping through the night again.  Hmmm….It is with great hope that this is the final stage of the healing of our bodies and that we will once again look like the pillars of health so that others will want to follow in the right path to nutrition, healing and wellness.

If you will join us, please drop me a note and let me know. We can support one another during this one month trial and exchange our observations so that perhaps our conclusions can be considered by the trained “experts” as “scientific”.  🙂

To be continued…..

A Wasted Verb

Prairie Dog:  "Guess I should have quickly eaten it so that the bird wouldn't have had the opportunity to snatch it." Prairie Dog:  "Thank you for sharing your lunch with me.  I've been waiting for someone as nice as you to share."
Prairie Dog: “Guess I should have quickly eaten it so that the bird wouldn’t have had the opportunity to snatch it.”
Prairie Dog: “Thank you for sharing your lunch with me. I’ve been waiting for someone as nice as you to share.”

Regret: verb-feel sad, repentant, disappointed over (something that has happened or been done, especially a loss or missed opportunity).

How many times in our lives do we use the word regret?  Why?

Not to long ago I had a learning opportunity to speak with my children about that word.  We discussed that regret should not be a word that they use in their lives.  It’s one of those words that is like the word Hate.  We should never hate anything.  We may dislike something, yet we don’t hate something.  Regret is much like that.  It’s another strong verb used to describe something that is unrealistic.  You’re likely asking me what I mean by that.

Well, I have said for years that using the word regret, only makes one then realize that if they regret one thing, they have to regret a whole lot of things.  If you regret a decision you made that had disastrous consequences, then you have to regret a lot more things that went along with that decision and you also have to regret the lessons learned from those decisions.  It’s like a gerbil wheel that keeps on spinning and never stops.

If you regret marrying someone, then you would also have to regret having children as well as those years spent with that family,  likely calling them wasted.  If you claim to regret that you didn’t get a higher education, then you also have to regret the path you then chose to take, even if it was a necessary decision to make you realize you needed that higher education.  What about a decision made regarding health?   Goodness knows that doctors, family and friends can all make us feel guilty about how we eat or how we take care of ourselves.   Yet, when the time comes that our eyes are opened to better ways, if we regret the earlier path we would not be able to see how far we’ve come in progressing to a better place.  Or even when it comes to some pretty serious medical decisions.  Should chemo be the best option?  Should alternative medicine be the best?  What about those mammograms and preventative screenings?  If and or when something changes with our health and we become seriously ill, what is the first thing many people say?  “I regret not doing that….”   Like I said, a strong verb that can only bring about more sadness than necessary.  A word that contains a whole lot of disappointment and many times can be tied in with a whole lot of guilt.

I remember some years back when my mom and I had discussions regarding some decisions I had personally made in my own life.  I was young enough to be under the roof of my parents yet old enough to be considered an adult.  My mom said she had regretted allowing me to do this or that and that she felt guilty over not guiding me in a different direction.  I remember thinking about that and also saying that I didn’t regret it and that she shouldn’t either.  That the decisions I made, no matter the outcome, were learning lessons in my own life.  I needed to go through those things in order to become the woman I am today.  If I had not learned through that school of hard knox, I’m not sure who I would be now nor where I would be.  I’m not saying that it’s not sad that I made some wrong decisions, yet those wrong decisions led to an understanding about how I needed to grow.  They helped me to see who I wanted to be and where I wanted to go.

I’ve used a lot of “I’s” in that last paragraph, of which is normal when speaking of one’s self.  However, it is with great joy that one of those lessons learned was that “I” was not in control of any of it.  Something greater was awakening within me of which I was not even aware until a few years later.   A generic definition of sanctification is “the state of proper functioning”.  To sanctify someone or something is to set that person or thing apart for the use intended by its designer. (BibleStudytool.com)   When God opened my eyes and began to show me who He is, I also began to realize that I could not have gotten to a place of peace and understanding in Him until I had gone through the things that most people want to call “regret”.

There are so many blessings that have come out of my personal walk on this journey in this life.  All of which I can honestly say came from “lessons”, not regret.

You may be asking yourself where in the world am I going with this and why blog about this.  Well, to explain, the last week I’ve intermittently been listening to a documentary on the truth about cancer.  I have watched many in heartache over their own “regret” in lack of knowledge.  It has made me consider how many people go through their days regretting how they live, what they say and what decisions they make.  Sorrow overtakes them and they forget that each decision or action or word spoken that makes them have that regret has actually led them to a place of recognition.  So I felt that I needed to share with others that rather than letting sorrow or disappointment over take you and your future, pray about what you have learned and ask for guidance in going forward.

Don’t waste your energy and time in regret or spend time in bitterness over disappointment, be grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow.   Perhaps, this recognition of the past is the beginning of a new journey going forward.  Perhaps also, a door has been opened to see something new and to learn new tools in dealing with situations going forth.

Isaiah 35

The Ransomed Shall Return

The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad;
the desert shall rejoice and blossom like the crocus;
it shall blossom abundantly
and rejoice with joy and singing.
The glory of Lebanon shall be given to it,
the majesty of Carmel and Sharon.
They shall see the glory of the LORD,
the majesty of our God.

Strengthen the weak hands,
and make firm the feeble knees.
Say to those who have an anxious heart,
“Be strong; fear not!
Behold, your God
will come with vengeance,
with the recompense of God.
He will come and save you.”

Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened,
and the ears of the deaf unstopped;
then shall the lame man leap like a deer,
and the tongue of the mute sing for joy.
For waters break forth in the wilderness,
and streams in the desert;
the burning sand shall become a pool,
and the thirsty ground springs of water;
in the haunt of jackals, where they lie down,
the grass shall become reeds and rushes.

And a highway shall be there,
and it shall be called the Way of Holiness;
the unclean shall not pass over it.
It shall belong to those who walk on the way;
even if they are fools, they shall not go astray.a
No lion shall be there,
nor shall any ravenous beast come up on it;
they shall not be found there,
but the redeemed shall walk there.
And the ransomed of the LORD shall return
and come to Zion with singing;
everlasting joy shall be upon their heads;
they shall obtain gladness and joy,
and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.





Abiding in His Love


But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies. For we who live are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh. 2Corinthians 4:7-11

I’ve written it before, and I think it needs to be the reminder in our home right now.  Praise God for the glory of His word to teach us, build our character, shape us, and connect us to Him.

For the love of God is eternal, unconditional, just and perfect!  May we always remember, live by, abide by and stand firm in His word.

Fall is Here and The Soup is On

photo 1

Fall… The trees changing colors remind me of a painting in a museum.  God’s palatte of colors amuse the eyes and challenge the imagination.  A tree stands tall with it’s summer leaves expressing it’s desire to hold on to summer at the bottom of the tree, while the middle hesitantly relinquishes  it’s leaves to the cooler temperatures and the top willingly submits in excitement over the seasonal change.  From green to an orange hugh to the glaring red with a hint of purple creating a color unknown to the crayola crayon pack.

College Football games, warms coats, turtle necks and gloves.  The flip flops are put away and the shorts hit the storage bins.  As the heat turns on and the air conditioning is turned off, the blankets are pulled out of the basket as we snuggle up on the couch by the fire place.  Once again, the menu choice that takes center stage is soup.  Especially when the fall harvest is bringing in the squash and the last of the winter storage vegetables.

As we drove home last night from another weekend away, I looked forward to the yummy butternut squash soup I had made before we left.  Simple, quick, healthy and full of nutrients.  Butternut squash is a wonderful source of  vitamins A, B6, C, and Potassium.  It is also filled with anti-oxidents and is good for inflammation.

Spicy Butternut Squash Soup

Start with cutting 2 butter nut squash in half long wise.  Scoop out seeds and place the squash into baking dishes flesh side down with enough water to steam.  Cover and bake at 350 degrees for about 1 hour, or until flesh is cooked through and soft.

photo 2

1/3 stick of real Butter

1 large Onion, chopped

4 Celery sticks  with tops, chopped

3 Garlic cloves, chopped

Melt butter in pan and saute the onion, celery and garlic.  When sauteed to look translucent, add:

2 small or 1 medium Red Pepper, chopped

bunch of Parsley, chopped

photo 3

When the squash is done, scoop out the flesh from the shell and add it to the sauteed vegetables above.  Add also the water from the baking dishes.  Do not let it boil.  After cooking for about 10 minutes, add:

1 Pint of home made Chicken broth concentrate, I used my canned broth (recipe on previous post last fall)

2 cans of Organic coconut milk

dash of Red Pepper Flakes, add more if you like really spicy

1/8 tsp Chipotle Pepper

1/8 tsp Turmeric

1/2 TBS Sea Salt

Pepper to taste

Cook until all are tender.  I use an immersion blender right in the pot to blend.  If you don’t have one of those, use a strainer or a slotted spoon to pull out the chunks of vegetables and place them in a blender, blending until smooth.  Add back in to the soup pot and serve warm.  Make sure not to boil or it will burn.

A warm and tasty treat served with a nice warm piece of baked home made bread.  Or, with a grilled cheese sandwich, my kids favorite.  By also making a grilled cheese sandwich on home made gluten free bread and using raw cheddar, the kids are more inclined to enjoy any soup I make.   🙂

Hope you enjoy!

A Cooler, A Cutting Board, A Bowl and A Crockpot… Not a Crackpot!

In the two weeks we were traveling we only ate out one time.  What?  How is that possible?

Well, let me tell you how.  A cooler, a crock pot, large bowl, cutting board, some serving utensils and some prep.

Breakfasts:  Hard boiled eggs, GF cereal with raw milk, GF bagels with organic cream cheese or almond butter, home made GF muffins and pre-made home made GF waffles.  I made the waffles and muffins before we left and froze them.  We would put the waffles wrapped in foil into the crock pot over night on warm and by morning we had warm waffles to enjoy with some sliced strawberries and maple syrup.  We also had kefir or yogurt with some strawberries and bananas.

Lunches:  GF organic Turkey sandwiches made as we wanted them.  Sliced GF organic grass fed beef sausages with GF Rice Free Lentil crackers and raw cheese.  Costco also has a wonderful organic GF chicken salad in single serving cups that were delicious.  We also ate leftovers from our dinners the previous night and pre cut veggies with organic hummus.

Dinners:  Prepped before leaving was the marinated chicken I cooked, cut up into cubes and froze.  This was also useful in the cooler acting as another ice pack.   The kids and I were able to wash some lettuce with some paper towel, I cut up tomatoes and we tossed the thawed chicken into the bowl with the lettuce and tomatoes adding in an organic Caeser salad dressing with a little cheese and we had a chicken Caeser Salad.

I also cooked up chicken breasts and shredded them mixing them with a habanero pineapple sauce and some barbecue sauce.  Both were organic without high fructose corn syrup.  I then froze it and when thawed, cooked it in the crock pot serving it on GF buns as pulled chicken sandwiches.  Serve with a few homemade sweet and sour pickles, cut up veggies and gluten free organic chips.

One night we made taco salads.  I had precooked and frozen some ground beef and used it also as an ice pack for the cooler when we first left.  We again washed some lettuce, tomatoes and put all in the metal mixing bowl with fermented salsa, raw cheese, organic avocado, and the organic dressing.   The leftovers we ate for lunch the next day.

We took some precooked chicken brats that were frozen and I put them in the crock pot with some cut up peppers and onions in the afternoon one day in CA and we had dinner ready when we were done with our day.

On the way home, we made a stop at Costco and Whole Foods.  We chose some pre-made salads and chicken dishes that we could put in the cooler.

Snacks:  We had apples, bananas, dried fruits, cut up veggies with organic hummus cups, and of course I allowed the kids some GF chips of various kinds.   Believe it or not, I actually found pretzels that were GF and rice free.  Woo hoo, I actually enjoyed a few pretzels.

Traveling doesn’t have to be expensive when it comes to food as long as you have a few hours of prep, the resources and the want to eat nutritious meals.  I cannot remember the last time we were in a fast food drive through.  Other than coffee it has to have been at least 12 years.  We travel quite often and we rarely eat out when we do.

When we did eat out in CA, it was the first day, in San Francisco at Fisherman’s Wharf.  Of course, who could pass up such a wonderful Ahi Tuna.  🙂




Back in the Kitchen…

This week has been spent putting up more vegetables for winter.  From green beans to tomatoes to even more fermented vegetables.  I’m so excited to be back in the kitchen, at times too excited as my legs and feet don’t hold up the way they used to before Lymes.  I do however, take breaks to rest between projects so getting it all done plus making dinner actually gets accomplished…most nights!   🙂

Tonights dinner was one of our son’s favorites.  Ahi Tuna with a wasabi sauce.  Easy to make and very tasty.  I found a great recipe out of Make It Paleo, however, didn’t have all of the ingredients as they listed, so I improvised a slight bit.

photo 4-3

Ahi Tuna

Mix the following ingredients together in a bowl and pour in a bag over 4 Tuna Steaks:

1/4 C. Coconut Aminos

1/8 C. Fish Sauce

1 TBS. Chopped Garlic

1 TBS. Garlic Tea Tree Oil

2 tsp. Ginger (if you have, fresh even better)

1 tsp. Sea Salt

Let marinate 2 hours prior to cooking.  Before placing on the grill, dip each side in a bowl with sesame seeds, poppy seeds, sea salt and ginger.  Lightly coating.  Cook each steak on the grill or in a grill pan for about 2-3 minutes per side depending upon how rare you can handle it.  It’s far better the rarer it is.  One of our children does not like it rare so I compromised and did the 3.  It was slightly over cooked for my taste, however, all ate dinner so that was an accomplishment.

Wasabi Dressing

Homemade mayonnaise (see previous post on recipe) with some wasabi powder.  Wasabi is strong and it’s taste gathers steam to the palate the longer it’s in the dressing so be careful when using.  Start small and gradually increase quantity to your personal taste.

Served along side the cucumber, tomato, olive and basil salad.  Yumm!


Complaining, Venting or Whining…Cannot decide!


In Psychology Today, complaining, venting and whining are described this way:  “Complaining and whining can be distinguished by the nature of the dissatisfaction and by our motivation for expressing it.  Complaining involves voicing fair and legitimate dissatisfactions with the goal of attaining a resolution or remedy.  When we voice legitimate dissatisfactions but do so without the goal of attaining a resolution we are merely venting.  And when the dissatisfactions we voice are trivial or inconsequential and not worthy of special attention, we are whining.”  I guess I am slightly complaining in this post about what took place last night.  Or, I guess you could consider it venting as it’s over and done with so there is no goal of resolution at this time and to some it could seem like whining since the first part of this post is inconsequential since it was yesterdays issues.  Either way, here we go…

It’s been a year since being diagnosed with Lymes Disease and all of the wonderful          co-infections that come along with.  I am pleased to have come so far in my healing and really have nothing to complain about.  That being said, I would very much enjoy getting through a day without a headache.  For the last few weeks I have been getting these mild headaches that hit in the afternoons.  Most of the time I get through them with a little peppermint oil on the temples and back of the neck, however, last night was very different.  I was beginning to wonder if my husband should take me in to urgent care it was so bad.  Usually laying down with my eyes closed helps, yet last nights migraine actually got worse as I lied down.  Not sure what triggered it other than I was once again on my feet getting things done in the kitchen.   It took 2 Aleve (which I hate taking unless absolutely necessary), 1/4 of a melatonin and 2 TBS of liquid Magnesium over an hours time frame before I could lay down and fall asleep without the continual throb that was keeping me wrapped up in the fetal position.  Praise God I slept all night and woke up refreshed and surprisingly not tired.

Hence the reason I was unable to share what I accomplished yesterday as far as canning and fermenting.  Well, we tried something new and I am excited to taste the end result.


Fermented Fennel, Onion, and Carrots – Taking the fennel and trimming it up, I then placed it in the food processor using the mandoline tool to slice it thinly.  Doing the same with the onion and mixing together in a large bowl.  I then switched out the food processor tool to the shredder and shredded the carrots.  After mixing all together I added sea salt and mixed thoroughly once more.  Gathering up some clean sterilized jelly jars I began spooning in the fennel salad mixture pounding each spoonful down into the jar with a wooden mallet.  Leaving 1 inch at the top I then added 1 TBS fresh whey and filtered spring water.  I will again leave these out for 3-7 days to ferment prior to putting them in the fridge.  Burping daily of course.  🙂

The second recipe I made was supposed to be a fennel jelly.  I thought maybe I could use the trimmings of the fennel to make a pepper jelly like sauce.  Well, after boiling it down all it smelled  and tasted like was apple cider vinegar.  So, rather than throwing it all out, I went out to the freezer to find something to resurrect the ingredients.  Well, it worked.  It is really yummy too!

Cranberry, Fennel Chutney Sauce

1 – 1/2 Cups Fennel bulb and fennel trimmings

1 – 1/2 Cups Apple Cider Vinegar

5 to 6 Cups sugar (because I cannot do the sugar, I used birch tree Xylitol.  Next time I      would likely use only 4 cups as it was quite sweet.)

4 – 5 Cups cranberries, finely chopped

2 small onions, finely chopped

1 tsp. Cinnamon

I boiled down the Fennel, Apple Cider Vinegar and Sugar until it came to a rolling boil for about 5-10 minutes.  Then I strained out the liquid and placed it back on the stove adding in the cranberries, onion and cinnamon.  I again brought it back to a boil.  Turning off the burner I added natural pectin.  Unfortunately I hadn’t followed the pectin recipe and it clumped up, so for future I would have kept the fruit and onions in the final product.  This time however, because of the pectin clumping, I strained out the fruit pouring it into clean sterilized jars and put them into the hot water bath to seal.  Serving it over some cheese with some crushed walnuts will be a yummy winters treat for the family.

Still have to do something with the beets and the cabbage.  Maybe today!

Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!  1Chronicles 16:11


Why bother…?


(This painting hangs in my kitchen… It’s so me!)

Why fermentation?  Why canning?  Why grow your own food when you have grocery stores on every corner?  Why go through the work?

Oh my, so many questions.  I’ve heard it all.  I’ve even heard, “Sherry you are too sick to be doing all of that”, or “I did all that when I was younger and see no need to keep doing it.  I hated doing it then with my mother why would I do it now.”  Well, the primary answer to everyones “why” about this topic is this:

Neighbor, “Yeah we have so many tomatoes this year that Sally (name changed) is thinking we should make some pasta sauce.  We just aren’t sure what to do with so many.”

MY husband, “Oh yeah.  Can the sauces so you have them this winter.  It was great this last winter when Sherry was so sick and I prepared the meals, those canned sauces really helped out when I needed them.”

Neighbor, “Maybe they can help one another and do the canning together.”

Said and done!   Two verses come to mind when I consider this conversation exchange.  The first is from Proverbs 31:10- 18  “An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels.  The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain.  She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life.  She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands.  She is like the ships of the merchant; she brings her food from afar.  She rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household and portions for her maidens.  She considers a field and buys it; with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard.  She dresses herself with strength and makes her arms strong.  She perceives that her merchandise is profitable.  Her lamp does not go out at night.”  Keep in mind that as I type this I am aware that it sounds boldly prideful on my part to consider this verse and my husbands conversation.  However, when you realize that the title of this portion of Proverbs is titled “A Woman Who Fears The Lord” you understand that all that I do is pleasing to the Lord.   I understand who the Lord is and why I am here.

Now, I also must admit that the human side of my being, living in a self indulgent world also realizes that homemaking has become a taboo word for women.  The thought amongst our peers is that we were either too stupid to make it doing anything else (and yes I’ve even heard of one persons interpretation of my being a stay at home mom described as “not being highly educated”) or we have an overbearing husband who chains us to the house without allowing us to have a mind of our own.  That being said, I have to also admit that worldly thinking can and does creep in sometimes.  My worldly thought on the conversation was this, “Thank you Lord that my husband appreciates the sacrifices I have made.  I was not at the pool, tennis courts, golfing at the club, sitting down watching soap operas (are those still running?) or going out spending money with friends buying designer clothes and enjoying lavish expensive lunches (as many of my friends did at our last place of residence).   I will consider this my paycheck… A wonderful compliment from my husband.”  Now, being that I started it out as a sort of thanksgiving prayer, one would assume this was not worldly, however, I would argue with you that it was very selfish on my part to look to myself with pride expecting praise from someone for something I’ve done and sacrifices I made.  Really?  I’ve made no sacrifices, this is my JOB as a wife and mother.  Going to the Word of God you see that Proverbs 31 has much more to say past verse 18.  And, it’s all to please the Lord.    Does that mean there is no laughter and fun?  Of course not.  There is great joy when you all sit down together for a meal, or when the aroma of dinner tantalizes your husbands nose when he walks in the door, and the pleasing look in his eyes when he knows that he doesn’t have to worry about one more thing after a full day of work away from those he loves.

Gardening, canning, fermenting, and housework is done to please the Lord.  Not to please anyone else.  Now, in pleasing the Lord, I am also pleasing the family.  It’s a win win.

The second verse was from Titus 2:3, “Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine.  They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.”  Again, God honoring to teach the younger women (Sally) how to please the Lord by also pleasing, preparing, saving money and working for the good of the family.

Now, that I’ve shared what’s been on my mind the last two days, I need to share why it’s been on my mind.  Yesterday began canning day.  With the harvest coming in from our own garden and the local CSA it’s time to begin preparing for winter.  Oh we enjoy enough of our harvest now, however, we also enjoy it all winter long.  The first comment of my being too sick actually came to reality when I was on my feet all afternoon without sitting down for a break and by dinner time my right leg was numb and I felt like I was again dragging my right foot.  Oh swizzle sticks!  (as the little girl next door says)  Today is a new day and we will try again.  Taking breaks this time so as not to overdo.

Yesterday I canned the two day project I was working on.  Chicken Stock.  Yes, I canned it.  I did some reading and educated myself so as not to ruin anyones day with illness. I made my chicken stock the day before, cooking it in the Nesco all day.  Then I poured it into jars, refrigerated it and skimmed off the fat the next morning.  I then put it back into a stock pot (2 – 3/4 gallons of it) just to the boiling point, poured it into clean hot pint jars, added a tsp. of salt and placed on the lids and began the canning process.  Because water baths are not sufficient enough for chicken stock, I used two of my pressure canners at 10 lbs. of pressure for 20 minutes.  I made 23 pints of stock.  (See previous post last fall on making the chicken stock.)  Disclaimer:  I would NOT can any chicken that comes from the traditional conventional marketplace.  I would only can organic, non-GMO fed chicken stock that was homemade with all organic ingredients using pure unadulterated water sources.  

photo 1

After the chicken stock I moved on to making fermented salsa.  I took the beautiful ripe organic tomatoes from the CSA (mine are not done yet), one very large onion, a large bunch of cilantro and about 10-15 garlic.  I put them all in the food processor and gently processed them down to a mildly chunky state and poured it all into a bowl.  I took clean jelly jars and a few pints placing 1 tsp. salt and 1 TBS fresh whey in each.  Then I scooped the salsa into each jar leaving 1 inch space at the top.  Wiped each clean and put on the lids.  I then shook the jars to mix in the whey and the salt.  Placing them on the counter on top of a towel I then unscrewed the lid of the jar so the air would be able to flow.  I will leave them on the counter from 3-7 days, burping the jars each day to release the fermented gases before putting them into the refrigerator.

photo 2

Fermented foods have been a long tradition in many cultures and is wonderful to help aid in digestion.  We see the importance of eating yogurt, this is the same only using fresh organic vegetables.   Each month my doctor wants to know if I am continuing to eat my fermented veggies, juicing, kefir and kombuccha of which the answer is always yes.  We both agree it helps tremendously.

Today, I will be creating and making fermented beats, fennel, cabbage recipes which I will share at the end of the week.


P.S.  I am college educated with a 4 year degree. 🙂


Thank you Lord for the blessing of a family to care for.  Thank you for the knowledge you have provided regarding health, nutrition, foods, and the human bodies response to unnatural man made resources.  Thank you Lord for the daily strength that can only come from you as I open my eyes each day feeling weary.  It is only through your almighty grace that I continue on.  Lord I pray that I can honor you through all that I do, say and think.  Help me to keep my focus on you and you alone so that all I do on this earth will be glorifying to you.  Amen…


Pizza Anyone?

One thing I miss about eating gluten free and rice free is pizza.  On occasion I will eat a gluten free pizza however, due to the rice flour I usually pay for it.  One of my friends suggested a crust made out of zucchini.  Since I have an abundance, I gave it a try.

The crust was yummy and the pizza definitely hit the spot.  I have to yet figure out how to be able to hold it, although using a fork was just fine.

photo 1-3 photo 2-3 photo 3-3

Zucchini Pizza Crust

Shred zucchini and sprinkle with salt in a bowl.  Let sit for about 30 minute until the zucchini has lost much of its liquid.   I used about 2 cups which made a huge pizza.

Cut up some garden fresh basil, pineapple, prosciutto, onion, mushroom, olives, spinach, goats cheese, and another cheese of choice.

When the liquid is drained out of the zucchini, add in two eggs, 1 – 1 1/2 cups of Almond Flour, and a dash of salt.  Mix well.  Spread out on a heated pizza stone that has been sprinkled with GMO free organic corn meal and bake for 10 minutes until lightly browned.  Once the crust is browned, add your tomato sauce and toppings and bake another 15 minutes at 400 degrees or until cheese is bubbly and vegetables and prosciutto are cooked to desired tenderness.

Cut, plate, serve and enjoy!  🙂