May is Lyme Awareness Month

Most people do not remember being bitten by a tick or remember a rash. Take a look at
letter D. Perhaps that’s because they never saw the grain of sand?

I woke up this morning to another call from a friend whose one child is treating for Lyme disease, while two others had ticks pulled off of them this weekend. A fourth child they had treated a years ago and they are discussing the symptoms of a fifth child needing testing. I am so grateful that my friends can call me and ask me questions about doctors or where to send the evil critter that made the human body a host for destruction. Without experiencing the hell of Lyme disease first hand, I never could advise.

Are you a skeptic? I was once as well. In fact, I remember giving books on natural remedies for viruses and bacterias, diet and more, to individuals we were praying for in church who were afflicted with Lyme. Little did I know, God would offer me the opportunity to experience the pain and agony of Lyme. I remember praying that should God allow me to recover rather than die, I wanted to use the experience I endured to help others and bring awareness and education to those who do not know otherwise, as I once was. Would I change what I experienced for good health? Nope! I would not. Why? The way I look at it, I was given an opportunity to experience what so many experience so that I can give back. Give back to a community that is not being heard. Give hope to those who have lost all hope and to be an example of what others can attain.

Newsweek ran a story recently that Lyme is expected to affect over 2,000,000 people in the next year. Whether or not you agree, the science and the statistics are not unproven. Most of these folks are undiagnosed, or wrongly diagnosed and not getting the help they need for remission. Some may also be improperly treated, as we know that more and more doctors are not educated in proper treatments. For some reason, even hospital administrators are having their hands tied to the IDSA treatment protocols rather than the ILADS. The infectious disease doctors are not allowing Lyme patients to be given the help needed. They stop willing doctors from CME courses that would give them the tools for proper diagnosis and treatment. Why? Question of the day as we celebrate Lyme Awareness Month.

If you know someone who is battling Lyme, give them a hug, lend them an ear, make them a meal or just be a friend. Many have lost relationships due to a lack of understanding,

If you have not seen Under Our Skin, please watch it. It is on Amazon Prime at this time. Check your local theater listing as well as sometimes there are showings during the month of May as well.

Prevention is key. Make sure that you are protected from ticks by wearing light colored clothing, socks over pants and treat with Deet products or Permethrin. Make sure to do tick checks not just on yourself or your children, but also on your pets. (I should also note that this disease is not limited to deer ticks…any insect or arthropod MAY be infected and transfer. NOT ALL DO, but they MAY.)

To all the Lymies out there, I stand with you, fight with you and pray that we will one day have a voice that will be heard. Ticks bite and we fight! (Motto from Wisconsin Lyme Network)