Week 7
Well, I have to say, I am beginning to think that this is the way to go. When I saw the Lyme medical professional that is treating me this past weekend, I was able to report:
- My tintitus is getting better. I have days and moments when it is non existent.
- My brain fog has lifted.
- I am waking up in the morning with energy and it seems I’ve slept all night (even if I know I have not). I cannot sit still knowing that there are things to do. And guess what? I’m not tired and I am motivated to get things done. I have not had this much energy in over 36 years.
- My hormonal night sweats and intense hot flashes that I’ve had for almost 8 years has taken a hiatus. I haven’t had one in over a week.
- My word recognition is coming back. Doesn’t take me as long to find what I want to say.
- I am organized and prioritizing without getting overwhelmed. Wow!
- I actually tried some Salmon a few times in the last week and a half and I did not have any side affects. What? Yes!
Side effects I’ve noticed in the last 6 weeks:
- Slight tightening in my throat area, around my thyroid? Could it be helping my hashimotos? Hmmm….
- I had one pain that last less than 10 minutes in my chest last week. I had no other symptoms and it wasn’t concerning, I just noticed it. Helping the Lyme in my heart? Another hmmm…..
- My liver enzymes are slightly elevated, so I am eating more foods rich with liver detoxing ingredients to help. More bananas, beets, and avocados.
- I had some issues with urination a few weeks ago, burning and urgency to go. I still have an urgency yet the burning is gone. We did a urine test actually today and I will wait to see if I have a UTI. If it comes out negative, then the doc said it will be likely that it’s the die off of the lyme in my bladder and kidneys since Lyme loves that area.
I am starting my 1/2 dose of a 250 mg pill today. I do take them at night as it helps with the tired feeling after I take them. This way I don’t notice it. I will take 1/2 M-W-F for 3 weeks and still take 1/4 of a tab the rest of the week. The journey is slow and yet it is progressing. I am very excited.
I’m still making my kidney detox tea in the morning. Eating lots of veggies and am staying away from anything alcohol, vinegar, and caffeine related.
Cannot wait to fill you in how the 1/2 goes. Prayerfully well. 🙂