All posts by A Labour of Love

My name is Sherry and I am a stay at home mom of two, wife to my husband of 20 years, daughter, granddaughter, sister and aunt. My delight in this life on earth is serving a God who knows my weaknesses and guides me through each day. Diagnosed with Lyme disease in 2013 after a lifetime of ailments and illnesses, I am determined to share my journey, share my faith, and share in the blessings that gave me my life back on track. I am determined and strive to be the Proverbs 31:10-31 woman. My goal is to beat this disease so that I will be the Titus woman to my daughter and those who need me in the future. I hope that you find this blog to be a blessing to you. Thanks for stopping by.

Breakfast, Health and Healing Part 1

Over the years I have been amazed at the food choices some people make.  I have had acquaintances with women who are skinny as rails, spend hours in the gym, go home and eat 1/2 of a chocolate cake.  I’m not kidding!  I on the other hand can spend hours at the gym, eat salads 3 meals a day and gain weight.  I’m serious!

With Lyme disease, I have found it so painful at times and the exhaustion so extreme that cooking anything seemed daunting.  I know I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again… I praise God for a husband and children who love me enough to take over the “mom” duty of cooking over the last year.  They not only cooked, they also prepared healthy meals following the directions I’ve given them over the years.  Even as teenagers, their rebellion  against food is usually against the bag of organic gluten free cereal.  They are becoming more and more against cereal and enjoy their eggs, yogurt and a pancake once in a while.  You could say they typically complain if it’s not cooked or prepared just prior to eating.

Research after research shows how unhealthy our food choices are in this country.  We have GMO’s and many other toxins in our water, vegetables, meats and fish.  So what is one to do?  Learn, read, study and educate yourself.  I am quite confident that my own battle with Lyme disease and all of it’s wonderful co-infection friends will only be won if I stay on track and continue to try to build up my body with nutrition and not give in to the foods that can make my mouth water at the name or smell.

Since I had the B12 shot, changed my meds around, and made more significant changes in my meal choices,  I have been increasingly finding myself better each day.  I have moments of fatigue, so I rest, I have moments of pain, so I evaluate my diet or activity level and I make more changes.  I thought I would share what a typical day of my diet looks like, since it only changes slightly.  Today, we will start with breakfast.

A pint of juice from fresh vegetables provided by my own garden and our local CSA that is now in full swing.

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Now, I began juicing each day broccoli, kale, spinach, carrots, celery and cucumbers.  I felt great about 2 weeks into it and then I crashed.  I learned from a friend who is in the medical field and who also has health issues of her own that if one is hypothyroid caution should be taken with cruciferous vegetables.  It dawned on me that I had read that early on in my diagnosis of adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism a number of years ago.  So, I read up on what is safe to eat and for the last two weeks I have once again been feeling that my energy is better.   I am quite certain that the nutrients released out of the fiber has helped my body regain the vitamins and minerals it needs to help heal itself.  When I have to miss a day, I certainly feel it.   Here is my daily juicing recipe (all organic):

bunch of celery – Known to be an antioxidant, helps with inflammation, contains Vitamin C, B1, B2, B6, and also potassium, folate, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium and many amino acids.   Some caution is taken due to the sodium content in celery.

1/4 large cucumber – aids in digestion, helps with hydration, has been found to fight cancers, is also a good source of  the B Vitamins

 beet greens – vitamins C,  A, and K, protein, phosphorus, zinc, fiber, magnesium, potassium, copper, manganese, calcium, iron

organic pre-cooked beets – lowers blood pressure, fights inflammation, Vitamin C, minerals, detoxifies

carrots – beta carotene, Vitamins A, K, C, calcium, potassium, copper, B6, folic acid thiamine, magnesium

cilantro – detoxifying, phytonutrients, antioxidant, is used as an anti-septic, fungicide, aids in digestion, has Vitamins A, C, K and B as well as calcium an potassium

swiss chard – used as an antioxidant, beta carotene, Vitamins E, C, zinc, lutein, also helps in regulating blood sugar levels and is a good source of calcium

dandelion greens – Vitamins K, C, B6, thiamin, riboflavin, calcium, iron, potassium, manganese, zeaxanthin, folate, magnesium, phosphorus, and copper

1 lime – Vitamin C

I also eat a gluten free, rice free Glutino English Muffin.  Toasted twice, and on both halves I put 1 TBS each of Coconut Oil.  Then I sprinkle Maca Powder on one half with an organic soaked and dried nut butter on top.  The other half gets a TBS of my raw honey.

This mornings addition was left over Avocado Cucumber salad.  Consisting of:

Sliced and de-seeded cucumbers, avocados, fresh chives chopped up, fresh garden cilantro chopped finely, and two limes which I cut in half and squeezed on top.  Add a little salt  and stir.  The family like it and it was so healthy.  I was glad there was some for breakfast.

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Sherry Sherry Quite Contrary, How does your garden grow?

A Girl’s Garden

Robert Frost (from Mountain Interval, 1920)

A neighbor of mine in the village
Likes to tell how one spring
When she was a girl on the farm, she did
A childlike thing.

One day she asked her father
To give her a garden plot
To plant and tend and reap herself,
And he said, “Why not?”

In casting about for a corner
He thought of an idle bit
Of walled-off ground where a shop had stood,
And he said, “Just it.”

And he said, “That ought to make you
An ideal one-girl farm,
And give you a chance to put some strength
On your slim-jim arm.”

It was not enough of a garden,
Her father said, to plough;
So she had to work it all by hand,
But she don’t mind now.

She wheeled the dung in the wheelbarrow
Along a stretch of road;
But she always ran away and left
Her not-nice load.

And hid from anyone passing.
And then she begged the seed.
She says she thinks she planted one
Of all things but weed.

A hill each of potatoes,
Radishes, lettuce, peas,
Tomatoes, beets, beans, pumpkins, corn,
And even fruit trees

And yes, she has long mistrusted
That a cider apple tree
In bearing there to-day is hers,
Or at least may be.

Her crop was a miscellany
When all was said and done,
A little bit of everything,
A great deal of none.

Now when she sees in the village
How village things go,
Just when it seems to come in right,
She says, “I know!

It’s as when I was a farmer——”
Oh, never by way of advice!
And she never sins by telling the tale
To the same person twice.

Weekly Update:

The garden tower is providing our lettuce, spinach, bok choy, swiss chard, cabbage, kale and soon our fennel.



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The beans and peas are growing taller by the day and will soon provide a welcome addition to our table.

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The tomatoes and tomatillos are growing taller and I had to put in the tomato cages.  I’m hoping they hold up to the weight since they are not in the ground.  Surprisingly the ph is staying within range even with all of the rain.  I like this kind of gardening.  🙂

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They survived the strong storms, high winds and hail the last few days.  The old garden holding the radishes, onions, carrots and beets is already providing radishes for our salads.

Honey Anyone?

Proverbs 24:13 (ESV)  My son, eat honey, for it is good, and the drippings of the honeycomb are sweet to your taste.

Exodus 3:8 (ESV)  And I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land to a good and broad land, a land flowing with milk and honey, to the place of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites.

Matthew 3:4 (ESV)  Now John wore a garment of camel’s hair and a leather belt around his waist, and his food was locusts and wild honey.

I have been looking forward to having bees for several years.  In fact, I even bought the kids a book on bee keeping for Christmas one year.  They knew it was more for me, I was just trying to rope them in to my dream.  Last year, I was thrilled to be able to buy my own bees and set up my hive.  Although they died this spring and I am trying to built upon an old hive in the woods, I was able to harvest the honey out of my original hive and scrape out the wax.

It took a week for me to complete the process and a week without being able to use my kitchen island, yet I would say it was worth it.  Oh how sweet it is.  I am praising God for His most delicious and creative creation.

Here is what fun I’ve had in the last week:

First, I scraped the frames into a plastic bin.  The frames that had honey I scraped into a colander over a large bowl.

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The combs that did not have honey I put into an old crock pot and turned on low to melt down.


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Once the honey dripped out of the combs in the colander I strained the honey that was in the catching bowl through a small mesh hand held colander into a half gallon jar.


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I cut the top off of an empty 1/2 gallon cardboard container of almond milk and cut up an old white t-shirt rubber banding the piece of shirt to the top of the container.  I then poured the melted wax out of the crock pot into the container using the shirt as a strainer for any of the paper comb that did not melt.  When it all cooled I cleaned out the pot discarding the waste comb and cut open the box to find a beautiful clean block of beeswax.

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The kids want to know what I’m going to use it for and I told them it will be used for either candles or lip balm.  They are opting for the candles, I’m opting for the lip balm.  A friend of mine from TX gave me a wonderful lip balm las week she made out of beeswax, essential oils and coconut oil.  I’m hoping to get the recipe from her when she returns back home.

When I can taste the sweetness of the honey, and smell the aroma of the beeswax, I no longer fear the disease that has consumed my life over the last year.  Nature is amazing.  God is amazing!

Graduation Day

A blessing that will be remembered for many years to come.  Celebrated with our closest friends, church family and a few of our immediate family members.

I remember our sons first day of school and I also remember his first day of homeschooling.  We both were excited at the new adventure, yet we were also a bit nervous over what the years would bring.  It wasn’t always easy as I not only prepared lesson plans for one class, but all of them.  At times I felt like I had lived under a rock over my 40+ years.  We learned together in most subjects and I wondered if I was doing a good job.   There was always worry….  There were a few years that we put almost 100 miles a week on the car driving from sports activities, volunteering opportunities,  to music lessons.   I used to tell my husband that being a stay at home mom is not easy and I will not know how well I’ve done my job until our children turned 18 and I see the end result of who they become.  After all, there is no evaluation at the end of each year, there is no paycheck handed to you and there are no promotions.

At this point, I weep with joy over the end of our adventure as I see a once little boy become a young man.  He is first and foremost a Godly individual who wants to serve the Lord in all he does.  He is polite, happy, easy going (most of the time) and he is incredibly smart.  He graduated last weekend with a near 4. GPA, and he is also at a sophomore level in college.   Well, I can praise God for leading us through this part of our journey between mother and son and thank Him for His glory that saw us through the difficulties.  We could only have done it with the power of prayer and strength from Him whom we trust.

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A selfie with mom!



Garden Spot

It’s been a long couple of weeks with our oldest graduating from High School.  We’ve had yard work, basement organizing, garage cleaning, food prep, High School Road Rally organizing, etc.  Yes there has been more, however, this is the A list.  All that being said, my health has been up and down.  My latest blood draw came out a complete mess and shows I’m still very sick with many co-infections, yet the Lyme results are actually getting better.  I am praising God for this news!  I was surprised to find that last week when my doctor gave me a B12 shot due to my B12 being so low,  I felt like the energizer bunny the following day.  My aching body felt better and I had the energy to finish out the week without debilitating exhaustion (at least 4 days).  Note to self:  schedule the monthly B12 shot around events!!

So, we made it through last weekend with no obvious issues.  Now, I am enjoying a clean house, lots of left overs and the quiet that follows the commotion of such an event.  Today  my mom and I took my daughter to a movie and out to dinner.  Two of her favorite things, and two of my favorite things to do with her.

I thought about my blog and how behind I am, realizing that there is much to report on.  The hydroponic system was completed yesterday and I put in the tomatoes this morning. Thought I’d show you how everything is looking thus far.  The hydroponics, the Garden Tower, the bean pots and the herbs.

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The bees died this spring but a hive was discovered in the neighboring farmers woods so we took two of the boxes with empty frames and placed them on top of an old hive.  This is a complete experiment to see if we will harvest any honey in the fall.

The trip out to the old hives had me in a panic, so I prepared by suiting up and brought one of my dearest friends with me to help me with the lifting as my strength still has not returned.  The highlight was riding on the farmers tractor as I had never done this before.  Before Lyme, I prayed for a farm, now I’ll take an Urban Farm.  Although the tractor ride was GREAT!   Can you say oompa loompa?  ha ha

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Who doesn’t love a farm cat!  (I looked for ticks before I petted her… Isn’t that sad?

I did also look at the white suit when we returned out of the woods and was shocked to not find any ticks.  Another blessing!


On our way…

We are on our way….

Here is the Garden Tower –

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Here are the bees –

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Yes, if you look closely,  you will see real bees after I had just shaken them into the hive and if you look even closer I did paint the bee hive with little additional bee friends.  🙂

The hydroponics just arrived today.  We will get that going next week…. to be continued…



Trembling and Falling Down Before Him


Luke 8:40-48

40 Now when Jesus returned, the crowd welcomed him, for they were all waiting for him. 41 And there came a man named Jairus, who was a ruler of the synagogue. And falling at Jesus’ feet, he implored him to come to his house, 42 for he had an only daughter, about twelve years of age, and she was dying. As Jesus went, the people pressed around him. 43 And there was a woman who had had a discharge of blood for twelve years, and though she had spent all her living on physicians, she could not be healed by anyone. 44 She came up behind him and touched the fringe of his garment, and immediately her discharge of blood ceased. 45 And Jesus said, “Who was it that touched me?” When all denied it, Peter said, “Master, the crowds surround you and are pressing in on you!” 46 But Jesus said, “Someone touched me, for I perceive that power has gone out from me.” 47 And when the woman saw that she was not hidden, she came trembling, and falling down before him declared in the presence of all the people why she had touched him, and how she had been immediately healed. 48 And he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace.”

Seeking out physicians to find the cure.  I can relate.  Falling down before him.  I can relate.  Healing by the touch of the Lord Jesus Christ.  I can relate.  To have faith and go in peace.  I can relate.

Psalm 91:1-6

1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” 3 For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. 4 He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler. 5 You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, 6 nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that wastes at noonday.

Dwelling in the shelter of the Lord.  I can relate.  Crying out “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”  I can relate.  Finding refuge under his wings.  I can relate.  Not fearing the terror of the night nor the destruction that wastes at noonday.  I can relate.

Through the grace of the Lord I will be healed.  Through the strength of he who carries me, I rest in peace.  Through the words of truth, I find wisdom.  Through prayers of thanksgiving I find hope.

Friends, I pray that you find healing today and in those yet to come.  I pray that you find peace in the Lord and in knowing that through Him all things are possible.

Have a great week!


First of 2014 and Last As A Youth

The first Highland Games of the year… The last Highland Games of our sons youth!

He began competing on bagpipes exactly 10 years next weekend, and this week he will turn 18. In those 10 years he has worked hard to become a grade 1 piper (next step is professional). This is his first year as a grade 1 soloist and after yesterday it looks as though he’s on his way to great things.

All the years of traveling around, the hours of practicing, the hours of driving, sitting and waiting at his lessons has now affirmed we made the right decisions in helping him achieve his dream.

Before our birthdays my mom used to (and still does) remind us that we would never be that age again and that we had only another hour to be such and such an age. For some reason I thought of that and reminded my son yesterday that this was his last games as a youth. Thinking I was being silly, it didn’t really mean anything to him until he won piper of the day. It was fun seeing his expression when he thought of the fact he finished his career as a piping youth with an achievement he’d only hoped one day to accomplish. (Too bad he had left the games and was not personally handed the award… We received several texts from friends telling him.).  Oh well…. There is always next weekend, and about 5 more this year!!  Yes, it is possible to do this more than once.  🙂

cropped award picture

Our daughter also pulled off a great first games showing by taking two firsts.

I’d say it’s a good start to another year!  🙂

Garden Tower Project Planted


This morning my husband and I began discussing the day over his coffee and my meds.  As we talked about all of the projects to begin working on, we decided that the two of us would go out early to get what we needed and also pick up some groceries for the weekend.

One of the items on our list of items to pick was worms for the worm composting Garden Tower.  I told him about the place I bought them a few years ago and he gladly drove me on my little adventure.  We were able to get our groceries and worms all in one shot.  While there, we had the opportunity to meet and talk with Will Allen from Urban Farming.  We spoke to him for at least 20 minutes while we discussed his ideas for his own Garden Towers.  I had noticed there were 4 or 5 of them in the green house and we began talking about farming, animals, bees (which he offered to help me with…. woo hoo) and aquaponics.  I had taken a tour of the facility with the kids a few years ago, however, my husband had yet to see it. I walked him through two of the green houses and was able to show him where the tilapia help with the feeding of the plants above.  So impressive.  So important.  Meeting Will was a great adventure and made my day.  What a nice man with such a vision for good health and sustainable farming.

Anyway, we came home after our errands, had lunch and went out to plant the Garden Tower.  I planted cabbage, kohlrabi, fennel, lettuce, spinach, bok choy, and kale.  I also did my starter plants and put them in the house in the “greenhouse”.    Now I just have to wait a little longer for the hydroponics to arrive and by then my starters will be ready for planting.   The kids also rebuilt the “old” garden so that hopefully the rabbits will not be able to get into it and they made it half the size it once was.  This is where we will plant the carrots, beets, radishes, watermelon and the cantaloupe.  Hopefully!

I’m not sure how I’ve had the energy… well… I have an idea but I’m not sharing until I see if it’s short lived or if I may have found something that is working.  I’ll know soon enough!

Happy Mothers Day to all those who are moms.

The life of a cat…

Spring flowers are blooming, the grass is green, and the birds are sweetly chirping…now that could be the reason for the 4:00 wake up calls by “the” cat.  It just has to be that he hears the birds and since they are awake we should be too.  Especially when he knows breakfast will be served upon our feet hitting the carpet.  There are no meows, only a high pitched chirping whine, every five minutes.  Seriously you would think he was dying.  We used to listen to him for two hours before hiking downstairs to feet them (since we usually make their food), now, we put the dishes upstairs along with a can of food and we feed them as soon as the one cat begins his chirping.  Usually we can fall back asleep…not today!

I’m awake, yawning of course, sitting here laughing at how quiet the house is now that their bellies are full.  This of course sparked my thinking that I needed to dedicate a blog post about our sweet ones.  Oh the life of a cat….

“Look mom, I can roll into a ball and look like a basketball.  Just don’t try to bounce me though.”



“Whatcha reading?”



“Uh oh… the only place to go from here is out of the frying pan and into the fire…” Busted!



“I’ll keep Raggedy Ann company mom, don’t worry.”


“Come on…get out of there so we can play,” said the instigator.

“Nope… find someone your own age to torment” said the quiet one.



“How sweet it is that my lap is so blessed” said mom.

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