All posts by A Labour of Love

My name is Sherry and I am a stay at home mom of two, wife to my husband of 20 years, daughter, granddaughter, sister and aunt. My delight in this life on earth is serving a God who knows my weaknesses and guides me through each day. I have recently been diagnosed with Lymes disease and am determined to get my life back on track. I am determined to be able to move my legs and feet as I once could, to be able to regain back my energy level, and to continue to strive to be the Proverbs 31:10-31 woman. My goal is to beat this disease so that I will be the Titus woman to my daughter and those who need me in the future. I hope that you find this blog to be a blessing to you. Thanks for stopping by.

Travel News

I am excited to share that my latest adventure in the travel business has been obtaining my certification in Autism Travel. I have received my Certified Autism Travel Professional Certification and am creating a business plan to help my clients enjoy their experience in traveling with their families.

I have a website for my business and have begun blogging more about travel opportunities that I hope you will take a look at and sign up to receive.

Join me at Family Focus Travel by Sherry!

My latest post is about Jamaica.

Bucket List Time

Do you have a bucket list? Do you have a list of places you want to see or places you would like to explore? Well at Family Focus Travel by Sherry, you can start planning your next vacation and checking off destinations.

I have started a newsletter that I hope will be informative on new adventures and information to help travelers feel they are “in the know” when it comes to travel. To begin, I have started with Disney and the new adventures that are arriving to both Disneyland and Disney World.

Won’t you sign up for my newsletter? Freedom in Travel will help you find your adventure.

May is Lyme Awareness Month

Most people do not remember being bitten by a tick or remember a rash. Take a look at
letter D. Perhaps that’s because they never saw the grain of sand?

I woke up this morning to another call from a friend whose one child is treating for Lyme disease, while two others had ticks pulled off of them this weekend. A fourth child they had treated a years ago and they are discussing the symptoms of a fifth child needing testing. I am so grateful that my friends can call me and ask me questions about doctors or where to send the evil critter that made the human body a host for destruction. Without experiencing the hell of Lyme disease first hand, I never could advise.

Are you a skeptic? I was once as well. In fact, I remember giving books on natural remedies for viruses and bacterias, diet and more, to individuals we were praying for in church who were afflicted with Lyme. Little did I know, God would offer me the opportunity to experience the pain and agony of Lyme. I remember praying that should God allow me to recover rather than die, I wanted to use the experience I endured to help others and bring awareness and education to those who do not know otherwise, as I once was. Would I change what I experienced for good health? Nope! I would not. Why? The way I look at it, I was given an opportunity to experience what so many experience so that I can give back. Give back to a community that is not being heard. Give hope to those who have lost all hope and to be an example of what others can attain.

Newsweek ran a story recently that Lyme is expected to affect over 2,000,000 people in the next year. Whether or not you agree, the science and the statistics are not unproven. Most of these folks are undiagnosed, or wrongly diagnosed and not getting the help they need for remission. Some may also be improperly treated, as we know that more and more doctors are not educated in proper treatments. For some reason, even hospital administrators are having their hands tied to the IDSA treatment protocols rather than the ILADS. The infectious disease doctors are not allowing Lyme patients to be given the help needed. They stop willing doctors from CME courses that would give them the tools for proper diagnosis and treatment. Why? Question of the day as we celebrate Lyme Awareness Month.

If you know someone who is battling Lyme, give them a hug, lend them an ear, make them a meal or just be a friend. Many have lost relationships due to a lack of understanding,

If you have not seen Under Our Skin, please watch it. It is on Amazon Prime at this time. Check your local theater listing as well as sometimes there are showings during the month of May as well.

Prevention is key. Make sure that you are protected from ticks by wearing light colored clothing, socks over pants and treat with Deet products or Permethrin. Make sure to do tick checks not just on yourself or your children, but also on your pets. (I should also note that this disease is not limited to deer ticks…any insect or arthropod MAY be infected and transfer. NOT ALL DO, but they MAY.)

To all the Lymies out there, I stand with you, fight with you and pray that we will one day have a voice that will be heard. Ticks bite and we fight! (Motto from Wisconsin Lyme Network)

New Beginnings

Many of you know that I started my own business and I believe I posted that here as well.

I am a travel agent at Family Focus Travel by Sherry.  I specialize in ALL things travel with highlights on Disney travel.  I do have a website and a Facebook page dedicated to my travel services.  Head on over to them and check them out.

My most recent post focuses on the dedication Disney has for caring for it’s clientele with disabilities.   If you are not already following me on my business site, please go ahead and check it out.



Advocacy:  a)  public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy.  b) one who pleads the cause of another c) one who defends or maintains a cause or proposal

Are you an advocate for a cause, a someone, a group or an agenda?  Is anyone your advocate?  Have you ever considered what it means to be an advocate?

In our world today, I think that too many people look at advocacy as a chore.  An act of self sacrifice for someone else, whilst attesting to that act as a duty that only they can take care of.  I am not so certain it’s always genuine and I am beginning to think that more and more people are using the word advocacy as a way to exercise their thoughts in promoting themselves rather than the cause of which they are exerting their energies.  Why are we advocates?  Is our heart in the right order?  Are we advocating for something or someone so that we may be elevated?   Are we trying to prove something to someone or to ourselves?

I admit that sometimes I consider my voice as a tool to say or give an opinion because I think I am “helping” someone, only to realize that perhaps I was actually only elevating my own self worth.  Hmmm….something to consider isn’t it?  Have you done that?  Do you think off the cuff you are helping someone yet in reality when you look back you were only voicing an opinion to make sure you were heard.  Making sure you are heard is very different than making sure you are an advocate for a cause, policy or for someone.

I consider Christ and all that He succumbed to in His short life on this earth.  All that he said and did was not for his own good, not to uplift himself nor to validate who he was.   It was for a cause, a cause of salvation for those whom he met and for those going forth who would be followers of the one true God.   This salvation would bring about the praises and Glory of his Father to whom all life has  been blessed.  His life was the vessel used to bring about a change in attitude.  A change that would bring salvation to those whom needed to hear the Word and for those of us who read the Word.   That we may glorify the Lord and worship Him will all our hearts.  Our cause and advocacy of the scriptures is not to elevate who we are, but elevate the One and only who gave so much to allow us to do so.   Remembering that is sometimes difficult.   That is why we need the truth of the gospel to lead us.  Truth in our worship, truth in our study and truth in our intentions.  How do we get there?  Prayer, study, hearing gospel truth and understanding that we are a small part of the picture.  Our voice doesn’t always need to be used to bring about advocacy, our actions do.

You are likely saying to yourself, what?  She went from talking about elevating ourselves by using our voice and now she is talking about action.   Well, let me explain.  I think that actions shout a lot louder than the words that come out of the mouth.   Our actions show our true selves and what we are promoting.  If you look back on your actions, were you promoting a cause for something or someone, or were you promoting yourself?

I am going to leave you with those thoughts….Advocacy can be good, if used appropriately and can be viewed by others very differently if spoken.  Therefore, consider the actions that you take and what others will see out of those actions.   Promotions of self or promotion of cause?


Each Passing Day…

Dakota – Black Lab mix (although we think he is closer to a pure bread), our gentle giant.

Lexi – Pyranees Lab mix, our little muffin

Each day I awake to the delightful warmth of one cat cuddled at my side and two dogs at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me to come down to them for their morning petting.  The excitement of a treasured pets response to human interaction is unlike anything I’ve experienced.   One wags her tail so excitedly that it looks like a windmill going in circles.  Waiting at the bottom of the staircase with anticipation.

We’ve had two cats for awhile now, and with the addition of two dogs in the last year, I have to say life are has come full circle.  We used to say we were cat people and not dog people…haha well that certainly has changed.   The joy they bring to our lives is certainly nothing short of true bliss.

How did we get here?  I have to say that God’s roll in our lives is never ceasing of His love.  He guides, protects, and has plans for us that even we could not imagine.  To think that a year ago, my daughter and I were heading to FL for a girls week of fun in the sun, only to return with a 24 hour car ride home with a sweet little puppy from Alabama.  Helping one friend find a home for him and another friend find the love of their lives.  For Sydney and I, it was bittersweet.  We fell in love with that little guy so much so in 24 hours that we sobbed in handing him over.  That experience led us to realize that a dog was possibly the completion to our family unit.

The weeks went on and our daughter continued to look for the same breed that our little Alabama friend was until finally she found one that was going to be transported to the local rescue from Missouri in just a few short weeks.  Looking for a foster home first, then adoption the sweet face of that little munchkin melted our hearts.  We knew she had to be ours.  Ironically, one of our friends mom ran the rescue locally.  She was able to to secure our little Lexi so that we could foster her and “see how it went”.   Of course, it wasn’t long and we knew we had to adopt her.

The family unit, we thought, was complete.  That is until we went to Scotland and Lexi played with two other dogs for almost 2 weeks.  When we brought her home we quickly realized how much she needed another dogs interaction.  We decided to adopt a black lab brought up from Alabama who was found in a kill shelter and brought up to our state.  He is the most gentle giant we know.  He and Lexi have become brother and sister, Gary and I have become parents all over again (as they act like toddlers sometimes….) and the kids are loving having dogs.

Who would have thought…..I mean, you would think a simple trip to Disney would be exactly that, simple.  Yet for us, it was unknowingly the beginning of a new chapter in our lives.   A new chapter that brings us great joy daily.

All of this has had me thinking about life in general.  We think that we plan out our lives, detail for detail, thinking that we know what is around the next corner.  Yet, we are not actually in control.  We are subject to the greater good of a God who loves us and who cares for all of our needs.  A God who watched His own children fall into sin, only to love them enough to bring them back to himself by sacrificing.  Making a sacrifice of his own Son so that the sins of man will be forgiven.  How often do we consider what a loving God we have?  How often do we take for granted His mercy and grace in our lives when things do not go “as we planned”?   Sometimes, we need to reflect on His love, the outcome of our situations, and the blessings that we receive through His plan of redemption in our lives.

As I look at that trip to FL, I actually see the blessing of three lives that were saved due to the unexpectedness of that trip.  Little Gus, whom rode home with us, the farm dog that needed a home, Lexi a rescue whose mom abandoned she and her litter mates at birth, and Dakota, the good natured sweetest boy who was found at a kill shelter.  To be able to see those blessings, is also a blessing.  To have the eyes to see something out of the unplanned circumstances that we had not planned on happening.

God’s plan is always perfect in our lives.  We have nothing more to give other than praises and thanksgiving to a God who knows, sees, hears, and glorifies.


Tis The Season

It’s Christmas time and the trees are decorated, the garland is up, the music plays daily and the movie marathon has begun.  It’s always such a beautiful time of year and I am so grateful and thankful that we have a home, family around, the weather is mild and the smiles are still on the faces of those dear to us.

This Christmas is going to be slightly different  for our family.  With change, comes sadness, and with sadness comes concern.   Concern over the unknown, concern over more loss of friendships that we’ve held dear, and the acknowledgement  that we live in a cruel world.

As I ponder these changes coming toward us at a rapid pace, I continue to focus on the reality that God’s grace is not about prediction, not about having all of the answers nor is it about abundance.  God’s grace is about the unconditional love of a shepherd over a flock that doesn’t deserve to have Him.  It’s about trusting in the unknown explicitly,  knowing only one thing…there is someone who cares enough to make sure to plan out every detail  so that we do not have to worry about anything.  It’s about trusting in blind faith that carries our burdens for us.

For some, giving up control over the things they truly cannot control is difficult.  There is an innate sense of obligation that is understandably part of human nature.    How do we overcome disappointment?  How do we overcome loss?  How do we move beyond and trust in the Lord completely while giving up the human nature side of our inner being?  Dear friend, it is not easy.  It is not natural and it is not the reality for many.  It takes a great deal of prayer to overcome that of which we have within us that is not of a Godly nature.   Searching within ourselves, understanding who we are, where we have been and where we are going, actively seeking truth in the gospel to understand ourselves is just part of the process.  Sometimes, we do not like who we see, and yet, there is a great deal of growth from being able to admit we are not who we want to be.

In years of past, for me personally, I have seen that there were a great many holidays spent trying to control how everyone saw our home, trying to be inclusive to everyone, trying to make sure that we did the best for everyone else…except for our immediate family.   Notice how this sounds.  It was all about a visual outward appearance.  I thought I was doing what was right in the eyes of everyone else except the one of which we honor during this season.   Taking a step back, I reflect on my own insecurities in wanting to be accepted and to be unconditionally loved.  I had forgotten the whole point of that precious gift that Christmas represents.  I can honestly say that although I still struggle with some of those feelings, I have in the last year especially understood that I am as I was created to be, by the unconditional love of a Father who blessed me with life.  No one this earth will ever love me or care for me as much as He who gave life, only to take that life so that others may be cleansed and be given life.  It’s not about the outward appearance.  It’s about an internal struggle given up to become someone new.  Someone who can enjoy loved ones that are held dear and make them a priority while also offering up thanksgiving to a God who has provided so much.

A year ago, I could never have seen what was yet to come.  I have learned to love in different ways while slowly learning to give up that which I am unable to control.  One of those things is the incredible love for two beautiful fur babies that have become part of our family.  Two sweets pups who were rescued from the horrors of shelters, abandonment and loss.  In some ways, I can relate to these two, and to love them unconditionally has been a wonderful growing experience for myself and for my family.   They have helped me to personally accept the lack of control I have in this life, remember that love comes in different packages and that when we let go of that control that dwells within us, we can learn to embrace  the joy of life and the one who blessed us with it.  Nothing in life comes easy, and nothing in life should give us such worry that we cannot look beyond to see the blessings we truly have.  Life itself is a blessing.

Our two fur babies who have captured our hearts.

Welcomed into the local Humane Animal Welfare Society from a kill shelter in Alabama. He is beautiful both in his appearance and in his personality. He is little lover that cannot get enough and therefore he gives much.

It all started with her capturing our heart from a local shelter where she was brought up from Missouri after her litter mates and she were abandoned by their mother at 2 days old. We fostered her from 6 weeks until her adoption and she has been our sweet loving example of the preciousness of unconditional love.

As we celebrate the season of giving and thanksgiving, it is my prayer that we can all be reminded of the gift that was presented to us many years ago.  A gift that would carry the burdens of the flock to an eternal peace.  The gift of a savior who came to spare those in despair from lives of uncertainty, separation, and death.  Be well sweet ones and embrace that of which has come your way, without worry, and without concern, identifying that which holds you back.  Giving thanksgiving to the Lord who has opened your eyes to knowing that He has unconditional love for all who trust in Him with their whole being.

Merry Christmas to you and your families!




Daily Dose


My daily dose of reality is that now that I am feeling better I am working.  Working more than I have in years.  From starting my own travel agency to growing Wisconsin Lyme Network, all while continuing to treat my Lyme and keep the house up.  Gee whiz, it’s an exhaustive process let me tell you.

Last weekend I attended a medical conference on Lyme disease and it was amazing.  I learned more than I think I needed to know. The good the bad and the ugly of the disease that plagues so many.  I makes me want to get involved more and more.  Especially now that our children are for the most part on their own.  ( still living here yet they do their own thing….)

I wanted to share two of my last posts from both my business as well as the WLN.  I will do this periodically as both are dear to my heart.

From Facebook:

Many of you know that Lyme is dear to my heart as our family has been directly affected by this debilitating disease. I am an advocate in finding ways to help others afflicted

5 years ago I was so sick that I couldn’t get to the end of the driveway without the use of a wheelchair, I slept 18-20 hrs a day, the pain I experienced was so bad that no one could touch me, I could recognize faces yet could not remember names, I could not remember how to get to destinations I had driven to for 6 years so I gave up driving (aren’t you all in WI glad I did?), I could not speak in complete sentences, my bloodwork mimicked Lupus and MS, and to say the least I was a complete mess.

Lyme disease is the top vector borne illness currently and it can no longer be ignored. I am working, or I should say volunteering, as President of the Wisconsin Lyme Network, where we are giving a voice to those who are too sick to do so. We are educating and bringing awareness through speaking engagements, farmers market stands, attendance at medical conferences, social media, walks and more. We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit that operates on donations. I am asking all of you to consider your 2018 charitable donation to be directed in this way.

Not aware of Lyme disease? Here are a few highlights:

Children, especially 6-10 year old boys are most commonly affected; they are the ones rolling around in the grass, in the woods and climbing trees. Lyme is not however, discriminating and affects ALL ages

Facial Nerve Palsy is one of the most common manifestations of Bb; the bacteria we call Lyme

Vertigo is a significant symptom

There are an estimated >400,000 new cases in the U.S. EACH year; Breast Cancer has an estimated 242,476 (as of 2015 CDC website)

Lyme is transferred NOT JUST BY deer ticks; any insect has the potential to carry the bacteria we know of as Lyme; Mosquitos, fleas, lice, spiders, any tick, etc. They have tested them folks, this is not a joke. Personally, I know of three cases in one year alone just from mosquitos in one state. They spoke of this at the ILADS medical conference….

In WI, surveillance of Bb has been going on since 1980. This is not a new disease.

EVERY state has reported cases with the exception of Hawaii. Those cases in Hawaii are believed to have been contracted outside of the state.

This is just a short list of symptoms and documentation. The symptoms are great, the bacteria’s are very real, this is not going away and we need to be educated.

Won’t you help us? Thank you in advance dear friends.

Did you know? WLN is a 501(c)3 nonprofit? All of us working with WLN are volunteers who do not benefit from any of the funds that we raise.
How do we raise the funds? At this time we are taking donations through several avenues. Our website allows people to make donations through paypal and a receipt of the donation will be sent directly.
Amazon Smiles. We are set up to receive donations as well and you should receive a receipt.
Facebook also has a donation site that one may choose to make contributions.
We have been receiving donations from each of these and this is what has helped us fund our updated new website, our logo, supplies for our farmers market display, sending one doctor and two Lyme advocates to this past ILADS conference.

What does the future look like for WLN?
Our future in 2019 looks like this:
A Lyme Mini Conference and a Lyme Walk, and sending 2+ doctors for training who have not already been Lyme trained.
How can you help?
If you need to make a last minute donation for that write off, please consider the Wisconsin Lyme Network as a place to donate.

Thank you for your support in reading my blogs and keeping me in your thoughts everyone.  I know I am absent from this blog quite often yet I am working on it.  :).  


It’s Been Awhile


Hello fellow bloggers and friends.  I am still here.  :). I looked back and realized it’s been quite awhile since I last posted.  Not sure how that has happened, yet I guess, since I feel so good, life just keeps on rolling by and so do the days.

In the last several months, we have had to change our diets again due to high inflammation levels.  So two of the four of us are vegan.  I thought I would share some of our journey and begin to explore the possibility of sharing some recipes that we have found to be delightful in this challenging stage of food nutrition.

As you know, I have Lyme disease.  Well, it appears that I gave it also to my children when I was pregnant with them.  That being said, they are also being treated.  The Bartonella seems to be a huge part of the problem, along with mold toxicity that we acquired from our last house.  So, with our high inflammation levels, two of us seem to find a vegan diet more conducive to our healing.  We are doing so much better, without pain and lower inflammation levels.  In fact, for myself, for the first time in over 12 years I am losing weight.  Since I am unable to exercise due to adrenal fatigue, losing weight has been an issue for me.  So I think that this milestone alone is something to celebrate.

A vegan diet is not necessarily difficult, it does however, require planning if you want to be satisfied without boredom.  Let’s just admit it,  vegetables can get boring if that’s all you eat.  Creativity needs to be influenced by cultural resources available.  Sometimes that can be difficult in the midwest, where we grow primarily corn, wheat, and soy.  Retraining the mind to look outside of the box and locate options that are resourced in, that are healthy, not processed and nutritious takes time.

The other issue we have faced is the criticism of some who do not understand a vegan diet.  Our society has been taught over the years that we need to have animal protein, and specific amounts of it.  We don’t question this, we only accept it as fact and make sure that animal protein is a part of the daily diet.  I have been thinking about this concept and wonder why?  The more and more I seek out the differences, I see that plant proteins and amino acids are so much better for people than animal proteins.  Animal proteins are higher in fat, higher in cholesterol and over higher in calories.

Throughout this early journey and having to explain not just to others but also reasoning out in my own mind the benefits of a vegan diet, the argument that seemed to have the most effect on me was the amino acid issue.  Let me explain, there are 4 amino acids missing from a plant based diet that an animal diet does satisfy.  These amino acids are lysine, tryptophan, methionine, and phenylalanine.    Let’s look at those individual amino acids and see what they do:

Lysine, is primarily used by the body for tissue growth and repair, is the building block for other proteins that help to fight diseases.  Lysine is one of the building blocks of protein that plays an important role in the production of enzymes and hormones, as well as the formation of bones and muscles.” (Dr. Mercola)

Tryptophan is important for the development of organs, balances nitrogen in adults and growing children, and also creates niacin which in turn converts to serotonin. (Healthline)  There is so much more to this which we will discuss in another post.

Methionine plays a significant roll in  growth of new blood vessels, creation of cartilage, is an antioxidant,  is required for growth and tissue repair and cell function. (Pubchem, Webmd, Dr. Axe)

Phenalylanine plays a key role in the biosynthesis of other amino acids and is important in the structure and function of many proteins and enzymes. (Pubchem)

What is not well known however, is that these 4 amino acids absolutely CAN be found in in vegetarian sources of foods that a vegan eats nearly daily.   For example:

-Lysine is found in Tempeh, black turtle beans, quinoa, lentils, and pumpkin seeds.

-Tryptophan is found in pumpkin, potatoes, cauliflower, walnuts, cucumbers and mushrooms.

-Methionine is found in seaweed, spinach, broccoli, asparagus and various green leaves of several of our root vegetables.

-Phenalylanine is found in almonds, avocados,  lima beans, nuts, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, whole grains, soybeans, pecans, chickpeas, and lentils.

Shocking right?  I know.  I tell people that we get enough protein, yet most do not understand that eating animal protein is not required to live a healthy life.   Did you know that beef has 6.4 grams of protein per 100 calories while broccoli has 11.1 grams per 100 and spinach has 12.4 grams.  Who would have known?  A vegan diet can be rich in all the nutrients and amino acids and proteins that are needed for our bodies.  I began thinking also about biblical times, where meats were eaten yet were not eaten daily.  A diet rich in vegetables and grains was the primary source of their diets with a celebration of animal proteins on occasion.

Is this why we are feeling better and our bodies are resetting themselves so that we can heal and thrive?  I do not fully know the answer to that, however, I know that with all the information I have available to me from my labs to my genetic makeup (through 23&me and it’s raw data) I am feeling pretty good and so is my family.  Do I have to work a little harder on meal preps?  Sure, yet it’s worth it.

Last nights dinner was delicious, planned 2 days ago, and was a hit with all.  I took Tempeh and marinated it in a lemon vinagarette mixed with some garlic and chili sauce for two days, then used  GF Panko to cook in Coconut oil so that it crisped up nicely looking like a fish or chicken fillet.  I topped it with an almond mozzarella cheese and marinara sauce.  On the side we had green beans that were drizzled with almond oil and slivered almonds, and 5 very small baby potatoes with a little bit of a coconut/almond vegan butter.  This is only one meal from our day.  The others meals incorporated avocados, cucumbers and black beans.  Not to mention the fruit.  Being vegan is not boring when you have good natural foods to satisfy.  Knowing they are full of the nutrients we need, makes it all so delightful.

As I move into this next phase of blogging, I hope you will find it informative.  Join me in this journey won’t you?


There is much to be said about the word Peace.  The dictionary gives the following definition for peace:  freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility.  Or, freedom from or the cessation of war or violence.  There is a third however that is not written in the dictionary, and that is the kind of peace that only Christ can bestow upon his beloved.  This peace is tranquil and quiet, yet it is also something else that I have yet to find the word for.  It’s the kind of quiet that goes beyond just the noise around us.  It’s a calming of the body, calming of the mind and calming of the soul.

Having peace in situations that are difficult, can be difficult in and of themselves, however, through prayer and scripture we see that peace is attainable when one has that relationship with our Lord and Savior.  He gives that peace of knowledge that all will be well and all will be dealt with.  That He and He alone can settle the most vile of offenses, most obnoxious behavior, and the results of such in observers.

As I have looked around the last year, it seems that the world has gone crazy.  There is so much violence, there is so much heartache and people are just well….not behaving appropriately.  It is very discouraging and could be very depressing.  Knowing the Lord has helped me to focus more on Him and not so much on that which the world would like to throw at us and at me.  Having some perspective and knowing that I cannot control people, their behavior or the world in which I live has given me peace.  Why?  Because it is a burden that is lifted when I read scripture and when I pray.  A burden of feeling like I have to hold people accountable to their sin, or that I need to help the weak by taking on their troubles.   God has a plan for each of us.  He knows that which we are able to handle and that which will make us stronger in our faith and relationship with Him.  He makes us stronger in the valley’s so that we can look up and see his glory at the top of the mountain.  Waiting on Him to give us that peace is what I think is the most difficult.  Sometimes, we feel that if there is not peace at that moment then we have to do something.  Sometimes, we just need to sit back and watch, wait and listen.  Allow God to be all that He is and let Him take over that which we are not capable.

Friends, I ask you to pray with me this day on the burdens that are around us.  Pray that we can do what we can without feeling the burden of making “everything all right”.  We are here to assist with what we can, love those who seek our love and learn to accept the peace from our everlasting Father.