Proverbs 24:13 (ESV) My son, eat honey, for it is good, and the drippings of the honeycomb are sweet to your taste.
Exodus 3:8 (ESV) And I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land to a good and broad land, a land flowing with milk and honey, to the place of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites.
Matthew 3:4 (ESV) Now John wore a garment of camel’s hair and a leather belt around his waist, and his food was locusts and wild honey.
I have been looking forward to having bees for several years. In fact, I even bought the kids a book on bee keeping for Christmas one year. They knew it was more for me, I was just trying to rope them in to my dream. Last year, I was thrilled to be able to buy my own bees and set up my hive. Although they died this spring and I am trying to built upon an old hive in the woods, I was able to harvest the honey out of my original hive and scrape out the wax.
It took a week for me to complete the process and a week without being able to use my kitchen island, yet I would say it was worth it. Oh how sweet it is. I am praising God for His most delicious and creative creation.
Here is what fun I’ve had in the last week:
First, I scraped the frames into a plastic bin. The frames that had honey I scraped into a colander over a large bowl.

The combs that did not have honey I put into an old crock pot and turned on low to melt down.

Once the honey dripped out of the combs in the colander I strained the honey that was in the catching bowl through a small mesh hand held colander into a half gallon jar.

I cut the top off of an empty 1/2 gallon cardboard container of almond milk and cut up an old white t-shirt rubber banding the piece of shirt to the top of the container. I then poured the melted wax out of the crock pot into the container using the shirt as a strainer for any of the paper comb that did not melt. When it all cooled I cleaned out the pot discarding the waste comb and cut open the box to find a beautiful clean block of beeswax.

The kids want to know what I’m going to use it for and I told them it will be used for either candles or lip balm. They are opting for the candles, I’m opting for the lip balm. A friend of mine from TX gave me a wonderful lip balm las week she made out of beeswax, essential oils and coconut oil. I’m hoping to get the recipe from her when she returns back home.
When I can taste the sweetness of the honey, and smell the aroma of the beeswax, I no longer fear the disease that has consumed my life over the last year. Nature is amazing. God is amazing!
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